Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Handed Over

Each of us has own mission.

Though, you should leave what you try to tell as the minimally necessary to anyone.

Because we all are simple creature to survive by ourselves, you know.

Countless talk subject makes only hatred.

Rather a few words impress us.

So, we have own wisdom to tell everything in absolutely handed over. The part of it will be alright.

When you walk around your vicinity, you'd be noticed to any naturally made tiny thing.

Though, leave anyone any of what you try to tell as handed over.

As you can do only make everything handed over to anyone.

Wind, river's current, any small twitter of birds could get you awakened to something. 

Though make everything handed over, as you know anything you can see is what you are handed over in awakening.

You can see that only leaving any heart so to the one which can makes by the oneself.

Though, yes, only handed over.

July. 24th.   2023