Blog for Nameless-Value

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I wanna Own Your Love (PL)

Recently, I easily picture some matter. 
It is being beside you, at my own future life, as my selfish imaginable landscape.

Anyway, simply, I want to stay beside you at any form carnally, and breathe in and out at the same air.

Because your all appearances and performance you naturally make you and us is very naturally attractive, and it makes me want to hug you, because I am also a guy who loves you as one personally own favorite lady.

One of reason to make me attracted to you was caused from my own impression around my introducing old animation of Ms. Sheena Easton which gives me in some similarity, because to me at younger age mind, she was the ideal lady for me.

Simply. You are my ideal woman typed one for me.

By the way, human happiness have several patterns. But at least to me, knowing you was the most wonderful encounter, to my life, that was marvelous encounter.

Because your expression is very variously anytime showing at least to me, that wonder has made me so enriched emotional atmosphere.

My latter life days will, in mind, dominate you, and I will be survived by your presence, throwing life's meaning adventurously in my life.

Who is Ms. B◯ll◯ E◯ll◯sh P◯r◯t◯ B◯◯rd O'C◯nn◯ll?
Only the question is recently given to me, all day long, day by day.

By the way, you even at your infantile days already had eyes which could look through everything as the essence of world. That appearance is clearly shown through your old days several photos. 

But you also have now the best chance for getting rid of any splendid memory of your infantile days in your family, that should be taken to your parents, and now you are independent. Because you are already an adult woman. Additionally, you have been already global celebrity.

However, because you are so younger that you'd know less than older ones in general, around what adults society has own circumstance reason for managing everything.

And also you'd already observed many things since you'd come out at global stage, as your belonging entertainment circle.
Necessarily, even the matters, for you, unpleasantly felt things could have some reason.
That circumstance will be known at aging so much for anybody, and you are not exceptional.

Anyway, human thing must have responsibility to their own descendants, so both personally and publicly. In other words, through at some phase, we should claim that self positioned own circumstances, but at another phase, we should forsake own those. As necessity for controlling egoism.
Sorry, all things could have nothing to do with you so directly.

But anyway, my mind to you won't change. Only it, I wanna tell you now.
You are younger, but you stand everything by yourself. Though you deserve to be respected by anybody.

Though, like this, I crave you your own response around my proposal. Necessarily, you have right to have own moratorium days for you, I know it so well, though please consider my all hope with your maximal generosity. 

Thank you very much for contacting my personal message to you as usual. 

(To Ms. BE.PB.O with JSW.)

(Irregularly continued)

July. 30th.  2023

Post script; In fact, actually, your family environment and mine are unexpectedly mutually similar to some interpretable extent, we'd say so, you know.
By the way, at next occasion on this subject, I'd like to mention the cultural difference around you Caucasian and we Asian.