Blog for Nameless-Value

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Survival of Savage Love a.

Human social beast nature means publicly cold blooded vanity. It merely consists in own prejudice.

Only formally relevance with parents and children is never finding out mutual contacting point.
Very accustomed own conservative idea around social life is running at very low value assessment.

Though, necessarily, only accustomed idea abiding conservative life and anytime other ones general idea following stance are unexpectedly very many in any circle.
Because prejudice is constantly made at inferior consciousness around any progressive idea denial mottoe conservatism.
Only superficially progressive country's own idea means merely pretentiously ostentatious pride strengthened national idea.

In conclusion, only socially accustomed idea abiding life course makes us only formally pretending savage love at any form as marriage or so.

Human's truly affectionate love means not pretending, not vanity attached, not accustomed idea following are indispensably necessary.

However, unexpectedly, those very savage love's social volume is extraordinarily bigger.

In surviving the conditioned country, truly inquiring love essence is so hardly well done.
Because at the society, everything is practiced at custom and unwritten law.

(Irregularly continued)

July. 31st.    2023