Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Hope a.

Hope could be held at the mind around what we don't have for the present at our own reality. But simultaneously never unrealizable own possibly embodied concrete idea is the hope to our mind.

Though hoping mind content must prove our own daily life's condition at evaluating our own spiritual appearance.

Hoping mind is just our own milestone around what kind of spiritual condition we are attending for heading for our own future.

Without it, we can never do anything at any scenes in our own daily life. 

Even so commonplace or so a little bit strange but not that pathologically dangerous, any hope should be regarded so generously. 

The idea around how we can know our own hope on us personally teaches us what direction could be opened on us, so personally. 

Because we can never proceed only for opened and confirmable around its opened gate, though our constantly developped frontline we can easily watch and recognize must tell us how we will be able to advance anytime so for the time being. 

Hope otherwise means either knowing our abandonment content, in other words, in forsaking any unnecessary hoping mind means that we are told by our own reality in which we can opt anything around future advancing.

In naturally accompanying hope, we can never having so necessary anxiety, but if the hope could never be found, we should regain own dreaming mind when we were infantile children, though we should observe our own deep inside attending future abiding own idea, and check them out and rearrange our daily mindset and do something so useful for the time being. 

In frank, in despair or perfectly in the worst setback, we in fact according to our own daily mindset, we could be recovered by our own newly set mindset and its precise ideas.
Anyway, for the present, we should not forsake our own future life even if we are at so difficulty or kind of deadlocked situation so personally. 

(Irregularly continued)

Aug. 16th.   2023