Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

What we should Complete for Our Descendants a.

Our society is a kind of time chain. Though, fundamentally we anybody is obliged to engage the oneself in handing over own wisdom to nect generation from next to nect. 
And as the basis of our own mission is giving moratorium to next generation ones the mind room for considering own misdioned task to the next generation for them.

For completing them, we have to save our own egoistic vanity or kind of pretending evil temptation by malicious idea whirlpool. 
For doing all so well, we should not forget thankfulness around being given our birth and a chance to participate in own social activity. 

To our own children or descendants, various strategy for mutually prosperous peacefully completed ascertained life forevermore must be prepared for anybody's mind, but in the case of emergency, we should cooperate even with daily enemy sided ones for mutual safety guaranteed future basis protection, that emergent reaction is the most integral display for our descendents generation ones' own mindset nurturing opportunity. 

Selfishly addicted affectionate contacting means rather our direct descendants inertia expanding counter effective education, though in frank, around everything at least at the case of our children issue, we should leave them as they want to do or they try to do by themselves. 

Over fondling is rather inviting our future disadvantage, necessarily ever severely harsh training either will invite our social disadvantage, though constantly only neutrally arranged our behavior and attitude to any descendant generation one for composing them in their subjectively spontaneous idea fermenting opportunity provisionally contacting. 

In other words, not excessively taking distance nor excessively attached no distance contact must be the most appropriate our attitude and behavior taking stance to any younger generation one. 

Not dependent on totally social necessary union nor solidarity abiding own personal attached emotionally contacting could be forgiven in an extent we'd never make our socially stable state in the valid balance, but if the attached emotionally contacting stance could make social ordered state in ruin, the attitude in contacting is very harmfully devilish. Though we constantly deliberate all those taken into account own good balanced distance and contacting should be thought and neatly set in socially public site and daily necessary publicly regarded scenery site for us, personally and publicly. 

Though, education should be practiced at the keeping for children in giving spontaneity opportunity and properly operating their stepping direction neatly coordinating so smartly. Not telling much of necessary items, but not too few to be ripped in fermentation. That medium balanced stance around approaching and distancing are very necessary. 

(Irregularly continued)

Aug. 18th.    2023