Blog for Nameless-Value

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Acquiring and Obtaining comes to Some Defiant Abandonment a.

Christianity intends to original sin overcoming necessity abiding justice treating in regard of God's sake. Judaism intends to Noa selected severe survival significance at instructive binding necessity teaching to latter appearing any religion.

Buddhism intends to display alival days sin makes us after death atrociously misfortune sufferable irrestible karma teaching. Other religions could have some own instructive teaching, probably so certainly. 

Nevertheless, taking all those into account, any religious interpretation probably shares some irretrieval truth. That must be to us, acquiring and obtaining something so necessary means defiantly abandonment around any unnecessary temptive malicious desire and any empty attachment in overcoming. In its claiming, any great religion is not exceptional.

 In other words, in our reality personally unnecessary persistent idea and desire are atteched to our mind, any evangelion must never come to us.
However, that could be easily to say, but probably practicing those pays so harder mindset and so agnized preparedness and so smarter detachment are intrinsically needed. 

All premises probably consists in that we are not so easily accepting any unnecessary persistence as greedy nature derived our daily doing, thinking and setting idea.
Additionally, any seen so calmed minded one could have very steeper own abandoning training and discipline day by day, though in the one's mind, so steeper self controlling makes the one so atrocious struggle whirlpool, though after all, nobody could easily obtain truly significant abandonment abiding mindset for obtaining peaceful mind. 

First, knowing that truly significant happy and easy minded state demands so harder inner immanent struggle to any unnecessary idea and own satanic desirable mind in iteration. 

To it, Christianity thinks that originally only Jesus were born attended merciful self sacrificed mind as mercy to anyone as believer. Buddhism thinks that only Buddha thought that any sinfully unnecessary ideas attending people's mind makes them unhappiness, though he only tried to sacrifice his ordinary carnal ideas and desirable acts in training, and knew only saints could know. 
Though, necessarily, originally saint Jesus and for the first time not saint but after hard training, being saint, that obvious difference must exist between them, but only abandonment around any selfish idea and desire in claiming so honestly, around the nature, two religions are never so mutually remotely. 
Necessarily, other several very important religions must be seen to us, but probably, at any religion, some very shared core nature must be overcoming any unnecessary desirable act and that unnecessary motivated satanic and malicious minded overcoming are previously very harshly instructed so severely, and in it, no exceptional religion can be found so far. 

And what makes them so must be what we can overcome them all is at a glance easily seen in carnal mind, but in fact, only the ones who can establish it so utterly and overwhelmingly can be truly happy, and simultaneously the ones must have very bigger compensation in losing very many ordinary desirable items in daily life. 

We can never follow different rabbits so synchronically. This probably evidences some universally common scientific ideas around any nature having seriously harsh natural selective sacrifice and only finitely opted species could have survived any harsh misfortune and desecration and disastrous bigger sacrifice. 

( irregularly continued)

Aug. 20th.   2023