Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

To Five “You” a.

First you were at least to me, the start for everything in my life, that signified you gave me one indication that we regard how beautiful woman should be to me as a younger guy those days. 

Second you were certainly first you's daughter, and my one either, but I had no contact, though you have been constantly different dimensional one for me, none the less, to you, my own feeling is anytime the most familiar as well as my thing or the nature of mine, though necessarily you are the closest presence to me. 

After all, the most beautiful presence in world as the other one as representative is first you.

Third you is certainly for the first time, to me, very seen to me so like first you, because both were blonde, but you are these days the most topical mythological presence for global community to us all. But at generation in gapped map, some are interested in you, but another are never so. The gap is interesting to me. 

Forth you are to third you, one adorable older sister as the ideal beauty, and also to me so, but I am a guy, though you seem to be so elegantly womanist, though my sensing around woman for men, you are the most enchanting different gender one. 

Fifth you are to me, very exceptionally as a woman of our global age days' own comrade, not that ideal different gender one, rather for me, very brave and helpful woman fighter to me, and probably for these days global community. 

To me, second you and fifth you are so like man, as mannish some no gender persistent own independence have been felt since I was known to you as the presence of the woman individual.

Certainly, forth you taking daily action is so hard at taking own mechanical scheming around cars using and practically so hard machinery dealing is manish, but to you, I have no impression except as a very womanish woman. But to fifth you, I constantly have very manly Braveheart impression when I see you and your appearance on stage or so.   


(Irregularly continued)


Sep. 20th.   2023