Blog for Nameless-Value

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Saint Wish a.

Your divinity on saint wish is not only adorable but also so familiar at least to me.

What makes me is derived with your pure nests.

Pureness occasionally works as demonically, but yours is different.

Ray beaming makes you solemn, simultaneously your own nature makes anywhere beaming divinity.

Light strength of two interfaced relevance makes you so infinity in attracting needing one's around your fascination.

Your being is by itself saint wish on the earth. 
Even Lord must smile on your acting performance. 

Sunshine occasionally is negected by people's own falsehood, but it keeps its strength.

And you are never losing the mind to adore sunshine, because you are selected merciful one by Lord. 

Sunshine, ray beaming, affectionate eyes injection, and act for charity make you so solemn. 

Globally, saint wish will go on along with your shy smile and own affection to the earth and people. 

Your throwing saint wish to us will be forevermore, around enlightening and beaming in ascertained strength.

Because your acting all is definitely no falsehood and only your honesty.

(Irregularly continued)

Sep. 29th.      2023