Blog for Nameless-Value

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Never Having Injured One won’t be so Affectionate to Others a.

To some conveniently rational thinking extent, never having any injured heart could be the most advantageous or so as not that painful way for us, you know.

But probably the one whose lifetime was not even once any injured heart was nothing must never have true life felicity, you know.

Because human world must have own rule as tacit commonsense that the one who has not any obedience around executing initiative around anything must never become the top position, this implicitly covered rule must be ordinarily so universal.

Because the one who were never injured nor had not injured heart even once must never become the one whose position is the top, because any top leader must have experienced at being used by any other top one ever.

Human thing could understand other one's pain only after being injured at some very traumatized ever experienced thing or so. 

No ached ever any past spending one must never have own affection to any other one, you know.

Some personal mental and spiritual damaged past experience strengthens anyone's mind at taking easily affection to anyone.

Generosity, merciful emotion to any injured one or any lament state one must have been nurtured through own so deeply injured heart and minded own past memory in regenerating into normal state. 

Raymond Chandler Philip Marlowe so famous proburb is anytime recollective at my own life.

"If I wasn't be hard, I wouldn't be alive. If I couldn't ever be gentle, I wouldn't deserve to be alive."

Necessarily, you have your own words in your mind, and according to its instructive significance, you might survive your so harder life until you die. 

(Irregularly continued)

Sep. 30th.    2023