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Generation Monster 4.

One so impulsively stubbing case triggered many younger generation in dissatisfied emotion and mentality into serially mimicking murder case was frequently witnessed afterward.
Though, very many critics and university professors were day by day argued around those serially done miserable cases.

Nevertheless, those atrocious murder appreciating and praising younger generation ones are advocating Olivie Rodrigues's singing stance and stage performance in sympathized emotion. Though, she by herself was not that radically resistant idea holding one, but the environment surrounded by herself must urge implicitly to be made generation icon, that sided nature was obviously recognized by anyone.
At this term or extent, certainly icon presence is not that safer, never yet so dangerous sided nature could be there.

Day by day, many critics were debating around younger generation ones' own murder cases as targeting only older aged, mature adult persons by very younger generation ones. And actually, occasionally, even professional critics could be dragged into harshly savage debating battle with dirty slungs and cunning slandering and derogation in so extremely mutually emotional scenery realities could be made not so rarely, that appearance was those days own feature.

So well known very severely outspoken own critic told at one so famous TV debate show, that after all, only notionally but action or practically concrete idea absence calls own short circuit murder cases, so frequently, though more practically own useful substantially reality deal applicable manner should be attached into specifically younger generation intelligent ones so necessarily, though notion is only sprinting in not attending own concretely practical idea must have been the ultimate cause for dragging very many atrocious murder case toward older generation ones.

Certainly, with those argumentation busy days to some mitigating extent, some peacefully debatable social atmosphere was made through National people introspective awareness by some enlightening philosophers and sociologists claiming and educating impact, but fundamentally, from 20s generation one's own skepticism to older generation was moreover expanding. According to that social atmosphere, necessarily, at universe, some strictly trained mobilized citizen army soldiers were dispatched for preventing any student from executing any agitating activity seducing e.g. murder to older generation.

Any country's own police organization upper class managers were opening emergency reactionary conferences so frequently, and invited many sociologists and some effective idea for deterring any younger generation one from impulsive murdering to older generation, mindful education necessity was positively advocated at any occasion, and any kind of professional academics was summoned at any conference, and needed to suppose the best method for soothing any younger generation one's impulsive assaulting to older generation, after all, even UN was opening emergency meeting for controlling younger generation one's own agitated murdering mind, so seriously and desperately by many adult scholars and buraeucrats and politicians as each country's leaders. 

And, Ms. Olivie Rodrigues concert was momentarily withheld for emergently evading impulsive murdering at concert site. And also she was summoned by committee for controlling younger generation one's impulsive crime and needed her own opinion as the representative for younger generation people.

Olivie in front of very many crowd as observers invited by US government made her speech saying like next,  "To me, singing stance consists in merely cheering not that actively daily mental audience, from the beginning, and no other necesssary reason to sing in front of audience is never found at least to me, but listeners mentality must never be the same, and in fact, to any audience, how the one can listen to my songs is in frank completely as they want to do so, and to it, I have no right to claim anything, but occasionally, certainly even fanatically motivated audience could come out at massive listeners, necessarily, but probably what I will be controllable for them is only only easily listen to my songs I sing, no other any unnecessary association is never wanted by me to make any fan of you in fact from this time on, you know."

Her speech betraying any assumption by promoters for controlling fanatic older generation ones eliminable mentality by younger ones, in fact, very simple and normal content was made by her, and to any fan of her, that was not that bad matter, but, for governmental bureaucrats or some powered politicians, too simple to have effect for fanatic listeners at being controlled by singer's own claiming as persuasion effect, indeed. In other words, Olivie was too pure hearted to save fanaticism by enthusiastic fans of her. 

Nevertheless, her talking message was wholly shot by TV camera and relatively not edited so much and almost all appearance was afterward made on air at special reporting on air program through Televsion of whole US network. 

To her talk content, very many US audience including her fans had reacted so affirmatively to her stance and interviewed attitude and again, many fans had progressed lovable mind so deeply at not remotely contacting to her, far from it, moreover enthusiastic fans were increasing, that phenomenon was made through that on air program.

(Irregularly continued)

Oct. 8th.    2023