Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Generation Monster 8.

To Ms. Olivie Rodrigues, very thorny and challenging life days was launching, but to her, the obviously serious mindset was not that obviously appearing to her those days mind. Anyway to her, everyday, very frequently the one who named that the one was truly passionate worshiper only for Olivie, from next to next, those days, to the one who was older than 30 year old, and some cases were really successfully murdered, another ones were not reached there, merely attempted murder. 

Nevertheless, anyway around one very younger icon Ms. Olivie Rodrigues, with very higher frequency, some each individual injury incident is from next to next made as offending so publicly, global community debating tables subject and topic gradually to some almost extent, the subject around Olivia's own popularity and her icon owning Charisma attraction was by and large very often made to main subject. 
Meanwhile, very strategically actively executing strong business spirit holed were from next to next, tried to plan and scheme her own concert for soothing any unnecessary fan spirit executed so unnecessarily at any city after her concert was opened and ended.

In the end, at the same year, these serially made murder cases were the most seriously taken topic for global community around any conference and meeting around any kind of VIP in any country. Though necessarily, in any news reporting content on air program had so at almost competitively overheated stance and condition, very many these kinds own journalism special programs were made on air. 

One cosmetic maker globally sharing conglomerate company projected Olivie's own concert for calling quitting around any unnecessary murdering to ones older than 30 year old.

After all, really the concert was opened and at the beginning greeting, Olivie was for the first time declaring "Now I am certainly 20 year old, but after I will pass through ten years from now on, the time, the year, I will get 30 year old, and at the moment, you will want to kill me, without any sympathy, please imagin the moment me and yourself, because also you will be aged into 30 year old from now on, 10 years or so, according to each one, own year old must be attended."

After all, her those messages were to some certain extent impacting positively to many younger generation people who at real time listened to her own message through on air time. But to her, another anxiety around her own professional deva life was made in her own emotion, to her, some conspiratory promoters occasionally tried to contact with her, and some their own dangerous seductive sweetened words were told to her through male message or directly called content to her own manager, necessarily her manager as older lady for Olivie was at each occasion at receiving any message from outside, defiantly rejected any reacting immediately she decline any phone conversation, necessarily at internet mail site messages to Olivie as well. 

(Irregularly continued)

Oct.   23rd.    2023