Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Boundary 1.

Women's garden is only for guys. For women, women's garden is none. 

Human world is signified with boundaries. Notionally subdivided reality manages our own social whole realities, you know.

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Subdivided reality by itself signifies our own small world as individually given so finitely narrowed view and landscape in our community. 

The totaled our reality means our own instinctive remark which is identified with our own obliged truth. 

We are never given Birds Eye's view, but even if it'd be given to us, it also must be so finite one. 

The one who views everything at a stretch could be Lord or so. 

  ⭕️            🔴    🟠    🟡    🟢    🔵    🟣    ⚫️

Norton of Lord is comin up with in our mind by which itself means our own notional interpretable nature. 

In other words, to us, notional cognitive mind makes us own obligatory mind in daily days. 

Lord and us, in definite boundary, our own grasp means us our own boundary grasping mind by itself which means to us, our own awareness to boundary, to us, intrinsically nothing is infinity, despite of that ordinarily nothing must have no spatial extent nor no time running extent, after all somewhat merely infinity could be assimilated with nothing, because to our own senses, unexpectedly infinity is the most similar with nothing, in other words, no boundary identity means no concreteness nor no identified substantial nature, though, necessarily its nature interpreting deriving outcome must approach nothing.

Though unexpectedly, infinity must be very similar with or very identical with nothing at least at our measurable mind or kind of notionally rational idea. 

(Irregularly continued)

Oct. 25th.    2023