Blog for Nameless-Value

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Lost Dislocation Q.

However, for the first term, that German engineer cofession content and its factual impact was not that seriously taken, but according to some reberverating sympathizers publicly seen voice was accelerated at increasing so at noisy voices whole around the global society, to his presence was made so atrociously horrible identity, though his life was expediently protected by German governmental officials' own guranteed guard.

Anyway, over any serious factor, only children ten years losing memory item was dragged so constantly the most serious matter for whole human being, that issue solution had been the emergently preceded subject for all countries and any global organization. 
After all, very many that the most emergently solving problem concern any organization and any volunteer unit was so actively moving all around this globe. 

On the other hand, some so visible groups were necessarily not forgetting memory ones as anybody except first confessing one had kept silence around each identity, they all tried to keep secret around their own identity. Though except first confessioning German man, anybody's identity was unknown to anyone in any region on the earth. Of course those evidences were never disclosed but those atmosphere was at any country seen so implicitly. 
Those strange co-existence around only 10 years length momory presence or not, but necessarily with passed days, the length extent must diffuse those gapped difficulty. But we all needed more passed days to that far past fasing future. 

And additionally, otherwise we could have the same thing in upcoming future, that so atrociously frightful anxiety started to manage all our mentalities.
And my only partner that old woman were apt to say to me like next so frequently, "To me, as a partner for you to live with, I am so older am not I? And that must be your very frustrated thing must not it?" When I heard the opinion from her, my mind was anytime aching, though to it anytime I tried to deny, "What absurd thing you could say to me, because we are the same destiny shouldering to each other, you know."

And according to my heard topical rumor, in fact, very secretly some money powerful ones had some syndicate around looking for any memory not losing ones, and to the organization, some already confessed ones had cooperated with them for making their own safety secured. 

In final, anybody who once percfectly had lost whole memory around those 10 years had so strong jealousy to any 10 years length whole memory never losing but the ordinarily seen minority ones. Because that was so destiny of privileged not losing memory ones. 

(Irregularly continued)

Nov. 15th.    2023