Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Very Simple, but Never Replaceable Truth a.

In frank, to us, personally, surviving is never so fun thing, far from it, almost whole time spending is share only with perseverance and very agonized time running, in other words, only that not decoratively visible, but rather more sober and very invisibly painful, that must be our own life. Almost those harder moments could everlastingly run, and never ending until we personally die. 

Though, after all, how we can make those so painfully continuous time running so usefully not that only painful matter, only the wisdom and the effort to obtain it must be the sole left item for us all.

To me, walking to almost the same several places at each time in each a little bit course changing must be some the most useful discovery moment and the most convenient occasion in my life.

Only not that so easily changed identity must have own very so divisive nature subtle but so obvious change, on the other hand, anytime busily changed thing must have some very awkwardly never progressed own monotonous boredom nature. 

The thing only so tiny minute by minute changed after so long period, that matter must have own intrinsic nature and so penetrating moment for insightfully guiding something.

In other words, in never so easily changed thing, rather we can find out the most integrally essential change or difference making factor so wonderfully.

And, unexpectedly, what we can easily lose the idea is, to us, by ourselves, not that so moved thing for us could rather move other one, necessarily that one is not that majority, several ones, or only one person could be possible. And that very oppositely distributed moving nature obtaining sensitivity must be so mainly bigger factor to move our mind forward so certainly. 

In other words, to us, rather very satisfied performance could have been otherwise not that wonderful but rather so cheaper one, the possibility must never be so small. Empirically, that truth must be unexpectedly the most integral truth. The gap must have some so eloquently telling truth to us. 

To some interpretable extent, some not do loudly claiming calmness could move us so wonderfully, and only simple structural some elementary moment could catch up with our so sensitive heart. 

Somewhat we should abandon all so unnecessary elements and only catching minimally essential things is necessary, but unexpectedly that is not that easily gotten, because our own greedy mind must accelrate unnecessary mind around our own completion, not that mind attending must be anytime so appropriate. But it'd never be so easily done on us. 

(Irregularly continued)

Nov. 16th.    2023