Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Empty in Empty f. / Whitened Empty Hope b.

Completion means not leaving anything in kind, though that satisfactory performance in general make the doing one some own rejoice, nevertheless, we could have some other not that pleased minded state as well. That empty minded state is not that exceptional. 

Because we all are never awakened from many unsolvable subjects nor so essentially necessary questionable things truth so wisely, never yet, rathe we all are still so poor minded around any absurdity solvable ideas or philosophy as so strictly believable stance or course. 

Though very whitened return to our basic start is not that worse state for us at least for mindset at restarting from the bottom of heart and mind. 

Even at the worst being back to square one, we can have some restarting will and own hope, and that somehow so optimistic idea is not that criticized so seriously, far from it, rather we should praise that effort at anybody, that very optimistic future prospective stance or idea is not that worse, far from it, we should reevaluate that minded state once more again. We have not elucidated any our own nature, otherwise we won't do so completely everlastingly, and it'd be rather not that bad fate to us. Because we are constantly learning creature and to it, at any case, what we can be aware of it must never be so negatively regarded thing to us. 

Minded own emptiness as far as concerned with that we have no idea but committing a suicide, rather occasionally not that worse thing at least for reinterpreting our own nature as the philosophical subject. 
We dare to welcom occasionally completely empty emotion for resetting own worn philosophy. 

Simply, in the end we all are never so smart nor perfect, because we are never God nor Lord. Though everything whitened in brain, that state or condition are never so negatively regarded matter at our own personal daily life. 

This series was started with my very ambiguous idea, because also I have no strict idea around surviving my life and the stance's ultimate goal. That unsolved parts I can be noticed or aware of is not that bad at least to my mind. 

The idea switch unexpectedly very integral, we can also judge that as well.  

(Irregularly continued)

Nov. 20th.      2023