Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Beloved Angel, You may say…, 1.

Be thankful on my mind on you of own marriage. 

You are so truly innocent around surviving this carnal world, and you may say, pure hearted idea is somewhat infringed, on the other hand, very filthy idea and indecent thought are by and large, so popularized in any corner you know. 

But otherwise, only you are so genuinely so beautiful, and very mercifully mindful.

Though, please keep it on your mind that anybody isn't so pure hearted. Never yet, relatively almost everybody is so lightly regarding everything, so easily. 

Though, don't blame anyone's not that perfect doing nor attitude nature, so mercifully!
And be generous so as much as possible you can, please, to anything we in general regard everything around you!
Because you also have some irritated mind as well as any other one. 

On the earth, not needed to say so, that all merciful ones occasionally come to us all, you know. And necessarily, there you could be so, to anybody, you can have that mearciful behavior, as well.

But, wait for a while, hold on your own that nature around practicing at once, because I want to watch your do beautiful eyes at being alone with nobody around you, as well.

(Irregularly continued)

Nov. 25th.     2023