Blog for Nameless-Value

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1 and 0 ✅ Affirmation and Negation 1.

1 probably is given to us, some specified identity's absence. Because if we have no absence, probably no any identified object consciousness must have never given to us. 

In other words, because we have already premise to have something, e.g. to us, our own life as unit as 1, we can have not that state consciousness as being 0. 

After all, to us, 0 is anytime consciously awakened from our hopefully wanting object in no found state. And it means merely that 0 means not satisfied any wanted 1, as hopefully wanted object identified state as 1. 

Though at least to us, 0 is absolutely necessarily to want 1. Because from the beginning to us as one life given presence, 0 as genuinely conceptual exceptional presence could never have attended at our mind as deductively absolute presence, in other words, to us, 0 is very first stage meeting one definitely exceptional presence. Though through knowing not present, not being 0, we can for the first time know true 1's meaning and significance. 

Though, intrinsically, 0 means ¬ 1.

And, your mind, to ¬ 1, ¬ ( ¬ 1) =1, 
In fact, upper formulated truth must be indigenously made consciously awakened from our mind deeply as immanence. 

However, once we'd known to what we are never absence, but surely presence as given life presence, any absence must have been consciously negative item. 

That mindfully awakened process means like next. As premise, our own life could be 1, and if what we can know something could be (K), next formulated truth can be adapted to our mind. 

(K) = (K) { ¬ ( ¬ 1) }and necessarily, it is replaced with either, if death means (D), 

(K) = (K) 〔{ ¬ ( ¬ 1)}= (K) {(D) = ( ¬ 1)}〕

At least to our immanence as mindful base, upper formulation is very convincing. 

Ethically, if we know our being as integrally given to anyone, upper those formulated diagram abiding own equation interpreted mind must be premised at least at our own field. 
Our own field is just signifies that our world must be our own lovable community in which we can know upper formulations equally.

(Irregularly continued)

Nov. 28th.     2023

Appendix; To us, at least at regarding our mind as the most precious, logically interpretable mind acquisitive process should be interpreted through only ethically integral formulative understanding. 

Though any logical research and own analysis are basically never ignoring any ethically regarded our mind involving reality.