Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Four You a.

First you is the closest to me, but you are the most intellectual and the least humanic, though manic depressive.

Second you is the first you's mother, and certainly you were so nice and pretty in own gentleness and elegance.

Third you is my unnecessary lingering attachment dragging presence, but you are unexpectedly cold blooded. 

Fourth you is the one whose presence could be none, my being had never been on the earth, and so finely detached. 

All are women, though after all, women thing superiority must be inferior than guys as men attending it. So, fuck shit things, women thing. Only the message will be left on me, my life and my own philosophy, but carnally after all, I also crave them all, so necessarily. 

(Irregularly continued)

Dec. 22nd.    2023