Blog for Nameless-Value

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These days Already have Own Fine Literature Impossibly Done Reality a.

These days our own global reality and social realities are already identified with own impossibility around being composed any fine and purrly genuinely literature, we could say, though like any minor movie film masterpiece, we all are never moved to any fine literature and those providing own purified spirit and high class social message are all definitely invalidated, but simultaneously we can regard either proletarian literature realism also invalidated our own social situational reality and own our besieging environmental condition and those specific nature abiding our own spiritually positioned character, we can easily interpret and analyze in our own mindful necessity. 

Though basically, very directly defiant depiction mainly shared and dominant novel method and depicted reality only are convincing to any intellectual reader, and necessarily only Proletarian literature philosophy has already no effectiveness around interpreting literature's own reason to exist. In other words, verse only attending nature must never convince any intellectual reader and rather those owning nature should be demolished at expressing no prose nor no verse in terms of form definition, thus fundamentally which we should opt in between negatively ambiguous no prose nor no verse formed something or, possibly being prose and also bring verse, as positively ambiguous between one and another, those alternative interpretation only can fall under our own definitively interpretable contacting and approach to both formed regarded realities. 

Fine something and entertainment light something in mutual obvious gap and own difference by themselves are already ineffective and invalidated at our own spiritually interpretable sensitivity. In other words, we all are never already mutually never easily affirmative point for our own spirit and belief. 

Fine literature and entertainment one in obvious gap by itself is already none sense or kind of perfectly losing effectiveness as invalidated reality given our own interepretation, that must be our truly credible minded reality, you know. 

Nevertheless, to us, any neutrally regarded definition is neither so convincing so surely not as well. We are levitating around never easily definitive sensitivity, in other words, we all are never even drifting nor bring settled at fixed location, though we all are obliged at roaming around very ambiguous but so uncertainly drifting reality as well. 

Nevertheless, to those own realities, we are also never dissatisfied around those contradictory our own spiritual situation and condition, we have no more those own powerful mindful energy than ever, in other words, to some credible extent, we only hope to be eased minded amenity at superficially given things satisfactory mind and idea. 

Those own characteristics are simply not affirmative any positively regarded own optimism nor any definitely positioned own pessimistic idea into our own mind, that kind of conviction around stance cite necessity, rather we are already heading for another direction and destination, and that must be very ambiguously floating in misty emptimess and own those giving no certainty displayed reality. 

But syncronicakky it is never uncertainty neither, you know. That must be some denial power to define everything with only one definitely given modification though summarized definitely deduced definition. The reality's own nature consists in our potentially awakened own not nihilism in pessimism nor not hoping stance emphasis in optimism. But neither any empticism nor negativism. Though very anytime we are obliged to make us floating in misty vague clouds and own murky darkenessm but never truly blackened nor paler depressive minded own exhaustion which could hever be easily made nor provided to us, actually. 

No nihilism nor empticism, and only very simply not positively creative stance but never clinging onto hopeful minded condition. In other words, very in between no definition given reality in levitating and murkily drifting with no definite heading direction in obvious cognition, but neither so disappointed minded guiding nature could be in frank found. 

(Irregularly continued)

Dec. 29th.     2023