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Breakdown Analysis is so Effective or not, and Subdivided Reality’s Fixation a.

To any phenomenon, not only to Nature it but also socially necessary each professional territory as socially necessary, epistemological extent breakdown or kind of subdivided reality acceptable consensus by itself could have functioning own mutually classified vertical and flat relevant socially smothered state so unnecessarily, that remark could be outputted so necessarily,  it is it so convincingly persuasive or credibly regarded?

Additionally, only at any site with SNS some so extremely disclosing any personal matter or so as extremely individualism expanded reality is so to some stable extent secured these days reality days, to those phenomenal matters, how can we regard or should do so smartly and appropriately?

Extremely dependent syndrome must have been made to very infinite numbers of ones as citizen personality unit. 

And, in fact, on the Arthur, after all, according to each country's own economics achievable standard, obviously never easily reformable own class social reality must have been fixed at global any community, with sport genre, each cultural activity genre, or so. 

And in general, next thing must be said so convincingly. That is some territories are obviously mutually very contactable at any other country relevance as strong solidarity, but another was yet so opened mutually, never yet rather very conservatively very mutually implicitly secrecy keeping implicitly overshadowing reality had been traditionally established as if Middle Ages, medieval eras common sense abiding reality only is permitted. That must fall under the parts of economically stably established countries as well. E.g. in domestic level, US and China are so, despite of West and East divisional realities. 

Each unit owning specific clandestine items option nature must have own influence to each culture and each indistrial genre and territory sharable reality.

In front of those each frontline reality, probably debate and argument around subdivided reality by itself must be invalidated substantially. Industrial structural compositional character by itself must have own mutual discrepancy in terms of nature gap and historically established process gap must have disturbed universal researching and mutually collaborative research able occasion. 

Upper those problematic subjects must have several very integral problems.

One is locality abiding cultural basis gap according to mutually gapped daily habit and industrially reasoned basis gap. 

Another is ethnicity abiding own culturally based common sense difference and mutually obviously historically made conflict in one unit or so. 

(Irregularly continued)

Dec. 31 st.    2023

Appendix; At China, very rural zones as not yet close mutual communication established ones and very city civilization established zones with Shang-hai, or so are mutually attending very gapped each settling citizens mental, idea outputting reality gap, and both very scarcely acquisitive information zones and very easily done ones are mutually almost another nation, another countries relevant spiritual gap and mutually not that easily unison made reality as so perfectly indifference dominant atmosphere naturally, and necessarily made to each other.

By the way, upper those considerable example is easily discovered at very frequently accepting zones as sightseeing business generalized zones with e.g. at Japan, ✴️ Fuji-Kawaguchi-ko Machi in Yamanashi prefecture (富士河口湖町、山梨県) or so. And to each sightseeing visitor, those question was done, upper truth will be easily obtained as obvious gap cognition around each personal one's own settling location. Because my national identity is male Japanese, and the town has the extraordinarily many foreign visitors as very finitely locally for obtaining useful information around hotels, transportation convenience ideas.

✴️ In Kanto region(関東地方), the most frequently many ethnicity, national identity abiding each visitors acceptable zone is the district as the reason of busses usage convenience ( terminal, buses using route or so) or so. Additionally, the area has necessarily not only Chinese but also European, Southetn and Northen American, Oseanian, any other Asian, Middle Eastern one or so, multi ethnic, multi nationality gathering consentration point.