Blog for Nameless-Value

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To Us, How could Oracle Come? You either Expect don’t you? 2.

Human mind has own stiff shut door to anyone, because anybody has own life stance according to own experienced matters and circumstance, and nobody is wanting to be disclosed to any other one around that thing.

But simultaneously, if you try to endure any your daily solitude which your mind must make you for promoting your own closed and narrow minded state never shown to anybody as conservative ideas, but at the moment truly you are so annoyed and irritated with some external factors, and if you try to ask or consult to somebody whom you are never feeling never trustworthy to ask anything, unless the one is satanic presence, you could have some not that worsened reaction from the one. 

Because human presence is not that perfection, you know, nevertheless, nobody wants to be regarded as Satan nor wield nature rouge nor so. 

After all, in any human relation or some massive gathering or so, unnecessarily entangled or kind of nasty atmosphere dominant own whirlpool could be given to you, necessarily only you are not the most responsible, but any other one could never be perfectly responsible around that atmosphere which is there around you.

Because from the beginning, human presence is not that perfect, but very at any dimension, very incomplete and premature around aiming at being so composed, though you should regard any human presence half mature, half completed or so, because just you by yourself is not that perfectly regarded one to anybody, though you can keep company with any other one so at to some credible extent equally and easily without any unnecessary notice or care. 

Though, from the beginning, you should not expect so maximal oracle from anybody, because anybody must be incomplete as you are not so well, rather mutually recognizing the fact and admitting any partner of you as the same conditioned, for the first time, you will communicate with anybody except you, so at not that worsened state nor condition.

In other words, through doing so by yourself, you will be able to catch any other one's own trust or easy condition around taking any communication no matter when you need it to be done on you.

In fact, after all, nobody is perfection nor God who can conveys us some oracle, though rather we can be equal and mutually credibly communicate with each other.

Though, if you have some skeptical emotion and idea to any other one, you might watch what your life step could have done on you so sincerely and with your own judgement around it, again you should face anyone around you, if you could do so well, no matter what you will suffer from at any community, you will be able to deal with everything at least in terms of what any community necessarily must have so at irrestible reason. 

Your life must have been so long heavy and burdensome drive conveying any nasty problem, but that condition is not that exceptional, because anybody has the same circumstance or so. And if you will have an idea around the reality apperance so certainly, you will confront any difficult situation and any entangled and twisted human relation's nasty circumstance for solving that so well. 

Because what you have shouldered on your mind must be the identical with anybody's own it in the dimension of what we are never the Lord who can convey us own oracle.
Because any oracle is not only being given to you, to anyone, like by anyone else by the oneself, by yourself, what you should dig from somewhere embedded in the soil or, drifting in the air, or so, as what you will discover and find out with your own daily conscious mind as your own necessarily demanded effort for making you so neatly being given precious life instruction.

Your own mindful road and life running way must be made by your own mind, the one who serves you any thankful oracle must be what your own mind could do so well around it, you know, no other one must help your own hardship, because anybody is in the same whirlpool, though when your mind could be at the dead-end corner, you should remember that fact around you as the same conditioned on anybody except you. 

(Irregularly continued)

Jan. 13th.   2024