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Criticism around Human Beast Nature Disclosed a.

Japanese post Post Modetn critic Hiroki Azuma (東浩紀) ever claimed that any human mind in daily embodied dimension must have been gotten some instinctively surviving own best nature as disclosed at daily reality. The mentioning and own claim had been sustainably convincing.

Because AI or any our devise, tools and own innovative ideas are all subsequently appeared own notionally but the nature dragging our own curios mind and that very enchanting disposition originally, form by itself must have equipped as e.g. Twitter description with letter  in turn and own addicted habit serially never ceasing in upping short message words by themselves are merely addicted dangerous nature hunch observable typical example to us. 

Though, as well as ever Azuma emphasized, notionally attractive words addicted mind by itself is very on the contrary rather beast tasty, instinctively savage, we can regard so. 

In other words, words should be interpreted as concretely expressed, symbolizable own appearance shown identity, but should not be by itself so demonically fascinating, that phenomenal attached mind of us must be so warnful situation at least for our own saneness and notmality could be for the present kept at our own daily life.

Chatting addicted daily life either demolished the one's own spiritual saneness and own socially necessary moralistic spending mode will be lost from our own mind. SNS excessive usage through all day long must be so dangerous symptom for keeping ourselves in having sane and healthy mind, at least at general remarkable logic, we could allege that so necessarily. Azusa's own criticism letter form book with novelist Kiyoshi Kasai was one of Azuma's epoch making in terms of catchy phrase providing contribution. ( Becoming beast tasty, animal nature attended conditioned as, in Japanese 動物化するポストモダン) former formal titled his book was epoc making masterpiece on his all career. 

To notionally very demoniac nature addicted liking mind's tendency and disposition is very dangerous at keeping reasonable judging and assessing spirit at daily life, that is one of very dangerous poisonous condition, we could regard so. Though notionally words beauty addicted mind must be what we should abstain from being accustomed with in our own mind, you know. 

Very decadent attitude is practiced at addicting at words tone and own fonetic nature extremely. That is to very sentimentally beautiful elegiac sings entertainment ordinarily accustoming nature. French chant song, and Spanish Tango and Framenco back played theme music tunes are either so.

After all, we are easily addicted into only words by itself which could drag our own mind into only words tone and sound addicted in mind as our favor, that enjoying by itself is never so dangerous, but that absorption is too seriously done on us, unexpectedly our life by itself could be endangered by addiction by itself, somehow it is like Naruccius absorbing own mind. 

Though, philosophy, literature by themselves in general are very dangerous addicted prone mature attending thing to us, we could say. Extremely aesthetically addicted vision is regarded the top priority, unexpectedly our life must be demolished by that own naruccissism. The example was probably easily discovered at any past at any region on the earth. Genius critic Hiroki Azuma probably, to that own sinking consequence, probably tried to entitle his own title (動物化する) becoming animal, as Post Modern which is becoming animal. 

In fact, beast nature by itself is unexpectedly difficult to define, because as species, we all are certainly animals as well, but simultaneously we have some assured consciousness around us that excessively animal tasty instinctive and savage nature attending by itself should be abstinated, that ethical, moralistic ideas are definitely imminently stocked. But simultaneously only cooler and constantly never wearisome person must be disliked by anybody. Thus this our own self controllable effort is anytime on the hem of very subtle coordinating necessity. 

(Irregularly continued)

Jan. 17th.    2024