Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Natie and Billa Scottish / Mutual Mind Road p.3.

In great hall, chanting content had included also Sir. Moondog tunes with the organization's own lyric interpreted additionally creation, but mainly the organization had own discourse around life spending stance as Sir. Moondog had at constancy, the poverty never despising own charity spirit abundant ideas. Though, both Natie and Billa were very touched and moved with their own organization activity course and ideology. That experience was the first time after two younger ladies had been involved with unnecessary dangerous and critical situation into hell whirlpool.
In unexpected severe danger situation for two younger ladies, their own hospitality and merciful contacting attitude and their own showing kindness made two younger ladies own easy time and mind after so long period harder escaping g days, but still, they needed to warn any their staying situation, around the necessity to go out from their own dirty persistence. 

They were continuously Chariman Thomason residential room with his own affectionate courtesy to them, as he knew Natie's own activity and Billa's deva one necessarily, and continuously he said to them to stay as much as possible longer they wanted, but necessarily they will need to move to another place, their own chasing conspiracy must never be ceased so easily, they desperately continuously will try to liquidate two younger ladies. Necessarily Natie thought also informing police organization to make them specifically Ms. Billa protected by professional police officers, but if they tried to keep those actions so immediately, the syndicate dirty ones had tried to kill two innocent ladies so immediately.

Two younger ladies were staying for a while at Chariman Thomason residence, but not that longer staying was necessarily avoidable option for them around providing the family of the Chairman Sir. Thomason,  some risky factor around keeping up with their own life ease and stability. Though necessarily, despite of that Chairman Sir. Thomason showered his own sympathy to life aimed two younger ladies, but necessarily two beautiful ones has modestly declined their own affectionate hospitality, and anyway the last destination Illinois should be the hurrying up destination for arrival for two of them. 

    🟣   🟡   🟢   🔴   🟠   ◯           ⚪️           ⚫️            🟤

After so long term days, some monotonously very easy moment came to two younger ladies making them some melted smiley expression to each other, and one humdrum time running rather paradoxically healed their own stressful mind into own dreamy emotion, that was made through at hall one corner alter corner, they naturally crouching on the floor, those appearances made the filed own calmed emotion wrapped calmness.

Two younger ladies crouching in front of altar, some immanence dominant own meditating moment surrounded two of them in own calmness, watching them, Sir. Thomason was giving them own wish and words and biscuit was taken to their mouth. Those time runn8 g made two beautiful fugitives own healable time levitating. They closing their own eyes, meditated very imminently easily running on slowly passing time. 

However, that own calmed time could have been own hunch around subsequently happened own harsh desperate time, somehow so incredibly never easily solved their own mind road on the run was associated if somebody watched their own wishing appearance in front of altar in the hall.

(Irregularly continued)

Jan. 22nd.    2024