Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Substantially Necessary Item could be easily Hidden a.

Anytime, only exceptionally noticed specified ones move, remark and presence certainly are focused on our own subjective curiosity, that definitely means daily topical subject with some gossip nature noise. 

But truly to us integrally substantially necessary item is unexpectedly not that mumerous, but rather very finite. That must be our own stable survival. 

Nevertheless, certainly only very up to date technology and the pioneering reality are easily picked up as the main popularity's own curiosity, and there in the field of topically told occasion, unexpectedly each personal optional freedom could be easily neglected at viewing stance and focusing angle. 

Nevertheless, the own topically focused items are all what we should ignore or look through so easily, that idea is also very false and not definitely correct, that is also very bad and inappropriate idea. 

Certainly, in worldly necessary social subjects told dimension, any curiously followed and focused content is anytime so finitely opted, but those all up to date necessary reformable idea must have some own base in which any our daily necessary activity must be composed, that very basic basis presence should be dealt as problematic and propositional territory. 

Very superficially visibly dealt subject and proposition must have own very basic our socially necessary truth. What is it? What kind of our truth should be regarded the most integral? 

One very easily reacting answer must be our own life sustenance reality and to it, how we can feel happiness or so. 

Certainly, excessively any seen tiny change and reactionary necessary measure are constantly easily made topic and the presence is almost obsessively taken as the subject, but another more very simply truth could have been overlooked unnecessarily, that idea also can be made in our own mind. 

What is the best method for making as much as possible many people can be happy probably depends on that we all are abstinantly using any resources with nature and time by itself. Certainly, if we apply mainly rational idea and thinking circuit, that asking must be made so necessarily. 

In other words, how can we all realize almost all people can be happy at spending own life and survive any socially necessarily outputted harsh reality and solvable difficult problems? Only the asking as questioning content must be outputted there to us all. 

So stark, what should be very appropriately deserving and passed correct idea for making almost all people so happy and not dissatisfied than ever? 

One is food supply, second is settling own home acquisitive reality, and third is to it, what we can reform or improve for advancing each integrally necessary value sense and own reason to exist. 

(Irregularly continued)

Jan. 20 th.    2024