Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Capsule Hotel formed Condominium Residential Individuality b.

Even if between wife and husband, some mutually never overcome own mentally, spiritually, own life spending necessary philosophy gap must have been stocked in deeply immanent minded territory. That is true apperance of human presence specifically at these days ages as not forcibly bound with any old style moral, though substantially, we all are perfectly independent body, independent spirit and independent idea holding one capsule hotel room brain attending walker, the thinking machine which makes locomotion and anger to opposite opinion ones and sometimes tries to love spouse spirit and body. 

Our own body is not only materialistically substance, but simultaneously very metaphysically imminently tangible and sensible moving machine. Our own moving body must be accompanied with each measuring mind in feeling, hating, liking or so at one consciousness for heading for any future object. 

Capsule brain is constantly measuring, conjecturing any externally made matter and incidentally coming across matter, and having own introspective view to all the brain ordered in making our own body move for some specific aim and object.

Our body's own organs are all soulfully tangible catching machine for body totaled health checking, and according to each of them in measuring each day's condition, we move around the field on the earth. In discussing, talking, debating, having claims to any kind of upper class ones' own dealing around governance and conseding any kind of not that perfectly made regulation, arbitrarily having devise at each necessary occasion. 

Brain by itself is kind of capsule hotel, and the capsule has own mind and emotion with anticipation, expectation, and any kind of anger, loving emotion and own detached view, otherwise, occasionally unnecessarily deeply attached emotion can be attended at any corner of mind, the typed own very nasty and difficult thinking machine in asking capsule brain stocking own ideas and emotional mind. 

Moving machine owning own nature is anytime subconsciously having own protectable conservative idea to any observable own externally recognized each topical worldly move, climate and own socially made atmosphere and phenomenon. 
Sometimes, visually impressively moving, at another time, very awkwardly never reacting but only frightened mind dragging own no move body stocks any idea, any movable reaction prompting mind. 

Nevertheless, sometimes, it tries to sprint some so wild and fanatic idea running prompting own excitement which is easily attached in the controllable, and thus but occasionally uncontrolled mind and capsule brain including ideas. That own arbitrarily switchable and whimsically very easily movable mind content holding capsule walking machine is us, our own presence. 

Nevertheless, occasionally, we are easily losing totaled our own identity, spiritually, metaphysically in doing anything around sustaining our own body survival at any environment for living and working. That capsule presence means one movable thinking and moving the body machine in any artificial ambient and nature environment in one totaled view and philosophy around keeping up with some believes. 

(Irregularly continued)

Jan. 21st.    2024