Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

About Novel Epilogue a.

In frank, our these days surviving contemporary social reality does not accept the last conclusion in twisted plot. Because to us, our social defiantly challenging nature is not easily making us have that conclusion in own satisfaction. Though I as much as possible I can, twisted plot as the darkened shadowed beginning, harsh surviving story development into the last easily solution is at least to me the most avoidable solution, though necessarily I  do never apply that typed of novel conclusion. 

In frank, in terms of novelist view to world by itself as our own ages' nature consists in any happy go lucky conclusion is not fit for our mind wanting to be moved, touched, rather not that specified overturn is never coming, that typed ending and conclusion are seen so natural at least at my creating one's own value sense and common sense. 

Not that tragically sad conclusion nor not that happier ending in satisfying ordinary popular readers are both to my stance perfectly avoidable developed nature at least at fiction masterpieces at least to my creating stance.
After all, to us, at very younger youth generation ages, French Existentialism novelists with Sarter, Camus or so, as their own guru Kafka or so enlightened my own creating stance at least at novel. And Anti Roman novels, dramaplay were those days impacting us as the youth whose hope in future was author as novelists, poets, and critic or scholar.

Not as film "Dress to kill" did so, happy ending is either not that realistic, but at least to me, that last servicing spirit to popular readers is one the most evasively negative stance, because that typed story is not daringly trying worthy typed pattern. Already, for several decades or so, moreover, 20Century by itself must have been one not happier but not worst unhappy, that very ambiguous territory drifting daily reality is only the acceptable expressed typed reality, at least to us.

We all are already becoming in so fixed dimension perfectly never acceptable to only pessimistic ending nor perfectly happier ending for probably two centuries length as time span, because we all are never so easily healed nor satisfied with that typed own author servicing spirit nor so. 

We all are settled down on only and accustomed with the reality in which any ideally positive Roman could never be trustworthy as we all are already accustomed with detached feeling and attitude for seeing, understanding our own these days reality in very cooler and detached emotion and stance. Additionally, we all are to some very realistic extent healed only by not extremely optimistically given happy ending nor extremely miserably sad conclusion neither, in other words, we all are already made so detached at not ideally, not worst conditioned, that very defiantly detached and coolly philosophical minded stance are familiar at our own sensing nature and sensibility, otherwise, very personal sensitivity by itself also is colored with those typed very drought and dry facing stance in our own daily reality. Honestly we feel so, so realistically. 

That typed our own mentality must be defined as the lukewarm sentimentalism never easily acceptable, but not extremely never acceptable to it neither, that typed so in between mind and emotion are constantly dominant at our own these days daily reality.

Somewhat, very neutrally, but not that balanced, rather very emptily superficially attractive, but any reality by itself is not that strongly impressing nor not that so easily acceptable to any novel's conclusion, we can say so.  

(Irregularly continued)

Jan. 22nd.     2023