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Truth Runs a.

Any tiny elementary phenomenon can be gone through, and certainly only truth runs, but otherwise, constantly not that integral many things like junk or waste could maintain core signified as the identity which could be opted in many things, the interpreting can be effective.

But truth can not be composed with no perfect only tiny junk in our own perceptive world. Some mutually necessary gap makes world valuable one and not that one as truth could be abstracted through focusing only visibly signified one's being by itself.

In this regard, otherwise truth can be made only through each materials own mutual gap by itself. But it could be constantly relativity abiding own mutual gap, couldn't it?
Otherwise, even if anything could be only junk, some other truth could come to us through some way of own appearing, couldn't it?

In other words, truth can never be only wonderful things filled state, but some other occasion in filled only commonplace nature things by itself can be true truth to us, also that interpreting can be truth. 

Truth definition applicable extent is so hugely embodied, though after all, truth is not only quality of substance, but either not those value absence could be the another truth.

In other words, not only truth by itself but also the ground as the base for making us own value by itself can be truth. Though any our sensing mind can make us own truth. 

Truth can be though either some visibly remarkable impression, otherwise some noticeable mind by themselves can be either so.  

E.g. in long running at time, very only boredom can be made serially unimaginably, in the infinitely long time running, some happening which is not obeying time running monotonous can make us totally impressively regarded own moved idea in our own mind.

Nevertheless, it's not always that only mutual gap can make us truth, but otherwise no gap monotonous time running by itself can be felt tangibly so impressive, either the thing could be regarded truth.

Though composing truth factor has no discrimination in terms of around composing element or necessary component nature. 

Thus truth is not only relativity abiding nor absolutism abiding. In other words, any phenemenal content can contribute composing truth to us. 

(Irregularly continued)

Jan. 24th.   2024