Blog for Nameless-Value

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To Sir. Dylan c.

At b., I mentioned that listening to your tunes evoked landscape, but that true reason was unidentified at the sentences writing moment, but listening to your tunes, sometimes I got some feeling around the reason. 

That is probably, necessarily your lyrics own pronunciation tone and reverbration, but another is your probably orginally inherently given voice tone, recently, I mentioned that Sir. Eric Clayton's voice was bright that his singing voice tone by itself could move any listener, as well as your case can be reasoned by your own voice.

Sir. Clapton's voice is not husky as yours, and his is more brightly transperant. But yours is to some extent even hoarse, nevertheless, yours is more sensitive to make listeners relaxed at hearing your not persistently convincing, but more healing in wrapping listener's own curiosity. That was partially Sir. John Lennon had as his inherent gift.

To us, as minded identified some miraculous presence, landscape must be the origin home to us, so personally. And that reality is made through music tune running in inserting your singing voice, and we naturally take our own mind back to our younger days spiritual home or, immanence accompanying own our ancestor minded home. 

You are minstrel and clown. The identity is derived from your soulful justice abiding own resistance to world by itself. 

(Irregularly continued)

Jan. 28th.   2024