Blog for Nameless-Value

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Upturned Eyes’ Ladies Ballad II f.3.

To Duelly, in frank, man thing as male different partner had been constantly very mineralogy felt presence, because once upon a time, ladies had been treated as maternal bodily worthwhile value as materialistic degree evaluated own media for reproducing our own descendants. But to it, she dared to fight against through her own lady's but more dandy own paternal mother, nevertheless she was woman, but more manly decisiveness abiding own singing stance and own strategy around opting lyrical theme for stages and animation sites fans. She is both lady and gentleman, very non sexual tasty minded and spirit daily attached her life was and is even now still very non sexually emotionally mentally spent days owner, she was.

But for the first time, listening to radio news reported content with Ms. Billa Scottish sufferable news content was impacting her own emotion and daily mind. She felt that her own heart full mind with her heartbeat tone was managed with very chiverly tasty own fighting spirit, that was from her debut days, originally her own characteristics, but these days, she felt that very another tasty manly fighting spiritual nature.

Her singing stance and own lyrically creatuve stance was obviously bodily sensing own physically tangible joyfulness through spending all night with boy friend or so and drinking in night club or so, those are all not only spiritually and mentally, metaphysically, but also very rarely bodily directly tangible sensually felt it and own satisfactory acme obtainable joyfulness. Those totally synthesized significant message is more erotic and challengingly defiant attacking sense and own diffusing melancholy and pecimistic sensation from the bottom of her mind. That typically reflected her masterpiece song was "Love Once More".Necessarily, she had some clarified image when she made the song tune's lyrics as phrases all, necessarily accompanying images of her once spending night several guys in her past.  She didn't need absolutely guys in nighttime, for her, femal younger one and older lady were as well not that dissatisfying object for her amusing thing.

Duelly from her childhood ages, had own sense that if she was a guy as been born to the man thing, that was never so nasty nor never so seriously taken very natural thing, that sensitivity had been always overshadowed at her subconscious and unconscious mind. Thus, to her own acme, she positively admitted as only materialistic sensed own stressful mind diffusing way or effective method, only those dry and materialistic sensitivity was laid at the bottom of her mind and basic human idea. But to some mutually gapped extent, now very sufferable Ms. Billa Scottish sensitive ideological professional deva stance was obviously different, because her stance was clearly very ironically rather her maternity reflected own female presence pride and honor, otherwise very honorable mind admission and own affirmative confession, but Duelly's one was never that kind of positively regarded self narcissistic sensitivity affirmative very own absorption draggable idea and carnally tangible daily joy and amusing thing.

In frank, to her deva activity on stage and studio and creating lyrics and composing tunes were all erotic and sensual carnally addicted own occasional meeting and approachable fun daily optimistically affirmative activity. To those, accidentally men plurally staying situation in bed as one lady and them and each addicted joyfulness at all night are positioned so naturally and necessarily. With those ideas in recollective imaginable minded nights, she needed one more necessary phrase lyrics and that matched melody and rhythm as well. 

And otherwise, if she would head for US for rescuing Ms. Billa Scottish, her tunes, lyrics creating her future road will develop moreover guiding herself into another dimensional approach and own jumping accompanying them could be given to her, that imaged ideas were drifting in her immanent mind. 

(Irregularly continued)

Feb. 21st.   2024