Blog for Nameless-Value

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Literature Heyday is Again Needed a.

In frank, these days are the days in which any kind of short time running animation subjectively throwing by anybody who uses that site, though necessarily any kind of personally showing stance is fixed at anybody's personal mind, and the reality by itself is not that worsened reality, nevertheless, to us, another very joyful brain using method must be left, that must be nothing but literature as writing joyfulness in being handed over to any personal reading one. 

That typed time running must make any busily forcible making transition to any precise mode and locomotion for manageable job content. Those own serially time daring spending habit in a day must make us own rejuvenated spirit in our own ordinarily hidden spirit and some unexpectedly flowering desire.
Some contents only writing stance and printed written content could convey to our mind must exist, though the nature is intrinsically different from only site thrown animation conveying curtailed information, that is short circuit message. 

Those serially printed own words chain visibly contacting occasion should be recovered by any individual one's consciousness. And in reading those, you will discover another paralleled running serially followable time so certainly.

In other words, never gotten territory at appreciating animation running time must be obtained only in reading letters as words with sentences in chain, that must be the long sentences reading amusement, you know.

Anti-Roman as novel's own ever welcoming heyday pattern will be anticipated partially adaptably used at each masterpiece, and more high tempo given own hard boiled thrilling time running masterpieces are just these days requested by subconsciousness of any enthusiastic novel reading fans.

Solo staying in one room and concentrating only in reading something as some personally different dimensional world traveling experience is these days definitely needed at very personally conscious abiding mindful experience in daily life for us, you know. 

Additionally, one story formed fiction and own artificially fictcious experiencing daily habit providing our own joyfulness must make us own newly discoverable intems in ordinary commonplace life mode as refreshened measure for us, so substantially. 

Literature as fine reading joyfulness abiding entertainment genre will make contemporary global commnity some very realitime useful own new suggestion method provision to us, personally and mutually together at the same masterpiece readers. 

(Irregularly continued)

Feb.  22nd.     2024