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Transparency and Whitened in Gap a.

In vacancy, somewhat my mind makes own illusion, that is constantly so vague and ambiguous, but not that unimpressive, but moreover so noisy. The state could be whitened as called bleached, but transparency is not so ordinarily, that can be more substantially so shallower than whitened positively regarded own substantial nature.

Transparent nature means some our mind conceivable own recognition or kind of some material change's own physiologically given our own discerning equipped ability as body function and own our noticeable nervous systematized reaction. 

Necessarily transparent as adjective own nature is probably never combined several mutually never unified elementary confused nature as nature world has as the most general phenemonal performance. 

On the other hand, at least at our own term usage cognitive mind, whitened is some arbitrary and very consciously regarded own daringly done meant action abiding, in other words, very consciously thought daring act as very arbitrary mindful devise, we could say so. That almost is identical with rebuilding, restarting, relaunching those meant retrial tasty our very consciously made indful idea and own action.

Transparency is never so easily arbitrarily done by our own intention, to some assumable extent, some accidentally phenemenally given state or condition, we can assume that own nature, on the other hand, rather whitened as our own whitening intention is not that difficultly done nor guided as unexpectedly in our own daily reality, when we try to switch consciousness, unexpectedly frequently done and made our conscious state and willing some mind.

Certainly, transparent condition frequently is used at water cleanness signified notion, but transperent our own mind, that tasty expressed words mean some very never unnecessarily persistent minded, own naturally regarded total image can be seen so obviously, you see.

And if we use transparency around our own mind state, never so attached nor never so persistently claiming around stressed meaning nor so. Though that is in other words, very simply never specifically attached nor so, those own simplicity abiding attitude is easily translated at our own usage. 

On the other hand, whitened is like refined or purified, very arbitrarily intentional our action abiding meaning can be interpreted. 

(Irregularly continued)

Feb. 23rd.    2024