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20 Century is from These days seen so Strange a.

We all are surviving in 2024 as since 20 Century had been past at 2001, already 23 years had passed to us at least at that year had been born. But from these days if we can recollect those days as 20 Century, that era was very exceptional and strangely felt and kinky recollective content attending own Century, and these days as recently after so long absence of it, what is or should be some truly substantial our culture? That typed questioning imminently attached own questionable action and conversation inclination are easily witnessed. 

And these days we after long some unidentified dormant period was expired and some another more again refreshened spirit necessary immanent minded demanding was gradually gotten visible. And what makes us feel so must be derived from these days very strange and seen contradictory global incidents must be reasoned with 20 Century conceiving own contradiction, that impression had been gradually seen obvious to anybody's mind at least for the ones as people of knowing what 20 Century was for them. 

Thus in one person's life, yet 20 Century is the major part of life running time, that cinditioned ones are obviously 20 Century citizens, but probably either the ones who was given birth in 20 Century, with medicine technology development, more longevity will be realized and suppositively the one could survive more than half Century length also from now on, the one will have own impression around own spent life which will be fore half 20 Century one, but latter half 21 Century one, that totaled life recollective mind will be held in the one's mind. 

Though, basically, time running abiding own immanent impression depends on what interval we personally are given lifetime, that measurement can be provided at this questioning. That means absolutely relativity is universal, that idea's justification trurh, we could regard. 

And not that profesdional philosopher tasty remark, it could be, but probably, time length, time running interval or so could be made transformed according to the time length as duration extent, easily time acceptable impression can be easily transformed, though necessarily at the matter of fact, we would die at the condition in which we will never know so well at noticing and knowing truth of time running and time length as we can recollect around our own life time duration by itself, in other words, after all, we won't know truly substantially only around what time it is, what substance time by itself can be held, that conclusion must de deduced after all, that impression is binding my idea so substantially. 

Anyway, at least to me, 20 Century by itself can be recollected as so strange Century, and relatively now if I can regard these days, these days reality can be seen more normally and these days are never substantially very different from any 20 Century as it held own nature according to these days own circumstance. 

By the way, at the matter of fact, relatively around that typed time running recollective idea, what makes us feel that rather spatial extent image or so is not that recollectively held in our own mind, that typed another question can emit in my mind, what does that mean?

That otherwise means that spatial extent recollection was very lazily given and only inertia dominant typed one. Thus on the contrary, we can regard that time abiding our own mind and idea are after all, is our own language learnt notionally given and conceptually conceivable own mind composing one specific midus ponens idea or kind of very exceptional idea as metaphysical territory belonging item, we could say so either, you know. 

But this idea should be more trained through very careful thinking experiment moreover than this time summarized suggestion. 

(Irregularly fontinued)

Feb.  24th.   2024