Blog for Nameless-Value

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Satanic Conscientious Palsy Abusive Languages b.

Human mind must have some at least double personality, in them, some are having even plural personalities simultaneously, thus twin personalities are almost not that surprisingly normal state, we could say so. 

And, in fact, if we spend all the day only by ourselves as being alone, not having specific conversation to anybody, necessarily, to us, only one idea is anytime attached, and to any other one, never specific idea could never be done on us, thus, after all, from the beginning, we all are never so conscientious nature attached presence, by and large we can define us as our own nature. 

And spending all the day never contacting to anyone means more rather not selfish, but merely isolated and to it, we are accustomed with, that state can be seen to us, thus, that state could be done on us, rather selfish idea could not come to our own mind, that mind must need rather the absolute premise that we are always together for spending at a day. 

To human, justice abiding idea is, to some now what I narrated extent, very originality whimsical or kind of not that stiffly held idea, but very arbitrary idea, we could say so either. 
After all min group spending time, we are never wanting to be sanctioned by any other one, thus simply we all are pretending to be good behavioral one to any other one, only that thing makes us pretending to be clever and wise, thus, fundamentally we have from the beginning not that strict belief, that substantial apperance can not br denied, consequently. With those inferences as possible factors, after all we are not that subjective at anything as almighty, that opinion rather is effective at arguing what we should have some useful mind for contributing this society. Rather we should not estimate our own nature more splendidly superior nature thing. 

Necessarily, on the other hand, certainly we have also goodness liking own conscientious inclination as well. But if we try to have only it for making any human relation so well, we could have no easy mind, but rather very smothered mind dominates our daily life so personally. Thus after all, we should make them all, so arbitrarily in appropriately regarded method, so mentally and spiritually.

After all, we can deduce that we all are only unit, group activity dependent own idea conceiving creature, you know. Thus absolutely individualism can be embodied, very harder physically, spiritually trained condition is indispensable, thus that stated us could be John "Liver Eating" Johnson as the model of Robert Redford's film "Jeremiah Johnson" directed by Sydony Pollack. Necessarily we are probably partially his living way possible nature as well, but ordinarily, very few only partial, we could say so. 

After all, we can never have rationally reasoned idea around daring to have that typed life so easily, because we are wanting to be easy life so substantially, thus, that typed very exceptional one had been described at entertainment movie film masterpiece. 

We all are essentially inertia manageable minded creature, we can definitely say so to us. Thus from the beginning, we personally should never overestimate our own nature, because we are easily attached with our own conceit, thus we should keep our another own nature some appropriate modesty as the dutifully attached idea. 
We unexpectedly easily turned to be multiple personal acting one. Thus, we need some immanent instruction, thus, to us, both New and Old Testament is necessarily beside us as some mindful instructing own material or resources. 

(Irregularly continued)

Feb. 28th.    2024