Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Mirage Out of the Blue Floating in front of My Eyes Part48

So far, at March 3rd, It was announced that four hundred and ninety-eight Russian soldiers had been killed and one thousand and five hundred and ninety-seven wounded in the invasion of Ukraine, according to the release by It was announced that four hundred and ninety-eight R〇ss〇〇n soldiers had been killed and one thousand and five hundred and ninety-seven wounded in the invasion of Ukr〇n〇.
Meanwhile, R〇ss〇〇n troops released that his 498 soldiers killed, more than 2870 on the ukrainian side.

After all, our team inserting serial holidays as a vacation for enough relaxing but any other day, that country's peaceful demonstraters' lives and anti-governmental idea attending the country's citizens' them were the top priority, desperately we either addressed to investigaste precise location, that facility's mainly important members' gathering occasion's date or so in Alt〇i Republic’s domestic underground syndicate (necessarily Charlie Craig must have been involved with that activity and his integral cooperation to that organization).

In my team's conference, we once were debating so thorough going at recognizing how C〇A and R〇ss〇〇n in mutual offence and defence, necessarily Y was absent from that terminal conference, because in terms of the chain of command, Y must have grasped more intelligence than us, though rather we needed debate so freely around that inference together with first 4 original members with me, and afterward, at another occasion, including new recruited 4 members together. At the conference, ‘Āqil mentioned that probably 
C〇A already must have for ultimate emergency even the assasination project toward President P〇t〇n, nevertheless he could not apply it as much as possible, because if that operation could have been executed, necessarily that assissination project scheme's identity and its top secret content and presence must be exposed so publicly and the second, the third P〇t〇n's appearance through mimicking the same operation for taking Presidential status.
Necessarily that his opinion could be convicing either, but I suggested him and other member that ultimately, if that emergent operation could be done, certainly now outputting precious R〇ss〇〇ns and Ukr〇n〇s lives must be saved, but more than ‘Āqi's claiming reason which was either appropriate, true reason must be R〇ss〇〇n people by themselves should have solved, then, if C〇A could help through that emergent operation, certainly now serially outputting death casualties must be saved a little more, in long span, both countries' mutual relevance must have the worst traumatic mutual emotion, though looking over now serially appearing incresing numbers of sacrifices could be obliged to be justified, for respecting R〇ss〇〇n people's independetly engaging in their nation's rebuilding.

To my remark, any member could get agreeable expression, but actually even in daringly so  sacrificing precious Ukr〇n〇s and R〇ss〇〇ns, future both countries' healthy deplomacy should be prioritized for preventing both countries from more atrociously damages and sacrifices in long span for them.

Last year's my supposisional teq ball's amusement in holidays with each member independently could told me that so many each member's own capability and significant character or so, and ‘Āqil's them was understood to me that he was so methosical, butt simultaneously he applies the theory of human's inherently evil-minded, though he claimed to me at my suggesting question to him in our teq-ball amusement pausing time, he atrticulated that "Even if we all should run him down, but simultaneously we should limit our executing range, because wicked players could have own position and to some extent we through overllooking his crime in taking generously inpairing our running down to him, rather we'd smartly continue our mission around his syndicates' extermination."

Toward it, Suddam in the occasion that I implied him that his claiming that we all just have to execute only ordered matter so diligently, because anytime the chain of command is the most integral at missioned work for us, thus unnecessary our interest and judgment must be sinfully and it should be evaded in our attitude.
Certainly both ones remarks were so convincing at each reason.

Anyway, teq-ball’s each one’s own physical sensing and own character was evidenced at least my notice, and ‘Āqil’s it was anytime so precisely correct, but Suddam’s one was so dynamic and each reaction to my technic was so challenging.
Two guys’ so symmetrical natures and Sophia’s one was more elastically elegant as being suitable for beautifully pretty woman.
(to be continued)

Push and Pull A.

If someone tries to overtake another one, persistently more and more, that another one could never be done so by someone in question, rather another one who is caught up with must be persistent at not overtaken by the one.

That's individula emotional dimensional issue. Because mind issue in company, any our belonging group, organization, circle simply any unit.

On the other hand, each one's mind's individual issue is not universally effective. Because only another publicly regarded mind's issue must be present in awareness to us in our own daily life. That truth could not discriminate anyone.

One is ordinarily blonging consciousness. Another is governing consciousness. In other words, governing intention means unexpectedly our mind's resentmentally motivated kind of retaliating mind in one unit.
That truth means that any group consciousness has own personal emotion to any other member except each one's mind.

Essentially, in the same belonging consciousness, following ones and governing ones are necessarily separated as group mentality's aspect.
Eacg consciousness is even at the same position and same class, among any unit's all gathering, necessarily each one's community's own role could be fixed in some enough period since first meeting unile each now.

According to each member's character, capability or any kind of factor mutually for knowing to each other's role and own charge with specific capability.
Each member's reason to belong to the unit is essentially differentiated.

Anybody necessarily thinks that one perfection as the most ideal method should be taken, if it'd be present, anybody could have consensus in no articulated order, so implicitly, and anybody could get satisfied agreement, the unit could have smooth working time running.
Nevertheless, actually our known almost unit must have mutual not so well understanding nor not familiarly known to each own capability, though, consequently in any unit, usually almost ordinary members must get own conclusion in mind that probably if there would be ideal state for unit, that'd be mutually kept consensus and agreement with spperior officer's assignment and allotment to each member with mutually classified job content, mission nature or so, nevertheless, so easily all members' satisfied condition is not acquired in so short period after inauguration of the unit in question.

In other words, at any unit, we think that even at so short period in temporarily demanded mission, that ideally mutually satisfied condition could be generally impossible, far from it, mutual contry's relevance with birateral relationship or trirateral and more that plural relationship, any ideally agreed condition could raised its own difficulty.

In long eras history, each country's own dissatisfaction could have been accmulated mutually, though this time's one so ever traditional uniting country's own solusive invasion must be executed in their own emergent necessity for the country.
Consequently ever pals with two ethnic people's solidarity was at some period, broken up into mutually misunderstanding mentality together, each of them must have own gapped stance around governing and territory's orthodoxy, because each ancestoral niche around habituation and each citizen's ethnicity and pedigree appearance and its history are all entangled in complexity even in one habitual zone, and area. 
Thus, eventually perfecly mutually satidfied consensus or agreement must be seen so impossible, only that emotion mutually is shared to any individual habitant, though this time's so tragic development in military invasion's embodiment could have been made.

And necessarily these so complicated circumstance could not be easily mediated by any country, or organization or so.

Hence, any military invasion's execution must have own intuitively dissatisfied mutually gapped emotion in each action made by each one.
And that mutually held gapped emotion could be derived from one side more strongly done push, and another side could have feeling to be pulled by pusher, that obviously active and inactive gap could be mutually held in any situation, though more and more mutual incompatible mentality and emotion could be made into fixation mutually.

Though negotiation table is occasionally set, but only paralelled condtion could be made unnecessarily. In other words, at any negotiation, each side could have no feeling not pushing and not pulled nor not pushed and not pulling in the best balance mutually sharing condition, though negotiation table was not ending with any conclusion and warefare was moreover enlarged into now mess-up condition.

Certainly at each occasion, each side desperately has looked for the best mutual consensus, but it hardly be done mutually. Eventually, mutually the best satisfaction and mutually the most effective method could be sought after to each other, nevertheless, so far that could never have been done, then fighting must have accelrated screwed-up state to now situation.
From outside, perhaps various kinds of transaction and wisdom could have been privided so desperately so far, any ideally solution must never be found to each other.

Probably ideally universal solution must never have been readied for each other, only not the worst it should be evaded to each other, only that mind could have been shared together.
(to be continued)

Appendix; Anybody in world could infer any ideally the best solution could never have done everlastingly, only that inference could be held at each side's mind. Though from the beginning, only giving up any perfect appearance in solution must have be dominant, though only least endurable gulping could be sought after by each other.

Mar. 7th.     2022

Arzu edənin şüurunda müqəddəs varlıq

Gölgeli qaranlıq fırtınalı buludlarda və hər kəs qurbansız vəd edilmiş əbədi sülh torpaq arzusuna malik ola bilərdi.

Bizim mind özü bu dünyada həqiqətən gözəl kokulu bağ çiçəklənmə üçün yalnız təmiz motivasiya ehtiva edir.
Hər hansı bombardmanı, təmizləmənin istənilən qəsdən aktı bu möhkəm mənəvi qüvvəni və gələcək maarifləndirici ilahiliyi heç vaxt poza bilməzdi. Çünki sağ qalanın zorakı hərəkəti digər gün mütləq olmalıdır ki, açıq-aydın məhdudlaşdıran birləşməsi bir növ rast gəlmək lazımdır.

Əbədi məhəbbətə və qarşılıqlı etimada inam tamamilə üstələyir və bütün bu gərəksiz zorakılığı yaşayırlar.

Yalnız təmiz parıltılı ağıl və ürək inandırır və sübutlar olmalıdır.
Bu, yalnız təmiz bir ürək, incə ağıl və fəaliyyətdə ağıllı bir fikir olmalıdır.

Yalnız gözəl sözlər çatdırmaq və dünyada hər kəs demək olar ki, bir şey var.
Yalnız bunu bilərək, biz hamımız bir bütöv kimi diri-diri olmaq üçün eyniləşdiririk və hər hansı bir qərəzli hərəkət yaşayırıq.

Hər kəs bir araya gəlmək və əlaqə qoşula bilər olan maddi, maddi xoşbəxt emosional reallıq ilə bağlı mind dindar daim hər hansı bir ağıl və ürək olmalıdır.

Heç kim və heç vaxt yalnız tamamilə mö ' minlərin iman edə biləcəyi şeyləri söndürə bilməzdi ki, hər hansı bir mərhəmətli provideniyaya reaksiyanın insani sübutu olmalıdır.

Gündəlik işlə təsdiqlənən mənzərə kimi, çayın quru axarı ilə gölməçədə bir neçə qu quşu və su quşları ailəsinin üzvləri suyun bir qış günündə bir yerə bölünürlər, nə qədər dağıdıcı qüvvə və bacarığın bəzi bomba və ya buna görə də iştirak edə bilməsindən asılı olmayaraq, bu ürək xeyirxahlığını, mərhəmətini, ürək töhfəsini və bu dünyanın hər hansı bir guşəsində edilən zərif zəkanı məhv edə bilməz.

Gələcək öz düşüncəmizdən asılıdır.
Bizim missiya ucadan bəzi yerinə yetirmək istəyirəm ki, təbliğat nümayiş deyil. Çünki gözəl duyğular heç vaxt ifadə edilmir və qəddar soyğunçuluq strategiyası ilə hiss olunmur.
Xeyr, istənilən vaxt ağılımıza, əslində, şişirdilmiş modus ponens deyil, yalnız sakit bir ağıl, yüngül və şəfa düşüncəsi və toxunan bir fikir lazımdır.

Biz hamımız həqiqi ilahi ağılın yenidən qiymətləndirilmiş şükür ləyaqətini yaratmaq üçün nəzərdə tutulmuşdur.

Yalnız gözəl sözləri və hərəkətləri yumşaldır ki,, niyə biz alqışlamaq və belə bir xüsusi təşəkkür və mərhəmət ifadə deyil, Mən demək nə başa düşürük?

Bu dünyada heç kəsin yaratdıqları heç bir sülh sazişini heç nə talan edə, poza bilməz.
Çünki bizim dünyamız yalnız qüdrətli daimi dünya, şənliyin sevinci və uzunömürlülüyü ilə qeyd edilməli idi.

Bu bağ sahəsində heç kəs öz xoşbəxtlik laqeyd ola bilər, və xoşbəxtlik hər Asan və razı gündəlik reallıq əldə edilmişdir. Amin!

Sizin istədiyiniz fikir və belə ətirli ola bilər ki, fikir nymphs kimi ətrafında uçan, elves və ya kimi bir şey, sizin şüurunda, və bu görünüşü siz bütün altında parlaq parlaq parlaq göy ilə keçmək bilər arzulayıram!

28 fevral. 2022