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Even at God's Absence, How could we Keep our Conciousness Sane?

Fundamentally we all are in ultimate world reality, it must be what we all are each isolated, and each personal mind matter must never have complete solution by anyone both personally and socially, then eventually anybody in society for the time being agree implicitly all each personal unsolved matter should be suspended, in other words, ultimate integral issue must be withheld as unsolved proposition, we all are tacitly at consensus never to elucidate that domain forevermore, that must be our social and just public reality as an aspect of real world society. 

By the way, eventually all unsolved issues at our own mind would be left at no touching and arbitrarily regarded as untouchable and not integral at public view, because in conclusion, only very universally public issue is constantly preceded by any group with politically, economically, and socially in regardress to all private feeling, or kind of subjective issues are usually left behind to religion matter, that thing should be dealt with Sunday churches' activity at local municipal community, that idea is adopted at any society. 

Society must be the thing in which anybody tries to hide all privately important issue, and pretence to be at only public doings for society itself, then issue of God must never be regarded as the top priority at any important social issue, because it must belong to mind matter, but actually, even if we were quarantined at ward in hospital, in supositive situation of being at unconscious state keeping seemed at phisicians as plant conditioned patient, but for each of us, minimal personal consciousness was held at mind, but to all phisicians, that plant state patient should be released fom the bind to experimental necessity, then even if we personally have thinking and emotionally feeling consciousness minimally left, nevertheless, life support system would be released and we would be regarded as brain death patient, that pitiless supposition's realized reality must never be done infeasiblly, in other words, we all are to some extent at conditioned as sacrificed only for society in necessity, of course, that supposition could be realized at just now contemporary society, if now is 20 century or more older era, we could never have the kind of supposition.

Eventually, social issue's dealing range has been enlarged at this contemporary society, but with very remarkable scientific advance has had been established so much, very rarely but not unrealized matter as former thinking experiment could be composed now.

However, in terms of God as what we necessarily need at our own isolated situation personally, all our thinkable issues are just left to religion, and as so personally vitally universal issue for us, we have not gotten it so well, and that situation substentially stands still.
Eventually these sensitive issues are usually regarded as not solved issues and after all just postponed to the future. 

Thereby, the ultimate propositional issue is only our own mind as completely isolsolated and disregarded, as just personal mind item, never yet, disrespected, in other words, eventually we in no conditioned all are left at that not retrospectively regarded reality essentially all the time but just we all are brainwashed to the social regulatory truth that only subjective mind issue should not be taken to publicly integral it, that commonsense must manage us still now. 

God would be one of these issues' solubable item for us, but even religion suggesting proposition must be the same issue as publicly regarded not personally regarded, that same logic must be set at this stage of thinking experiment. 
Then, next chance to argue about this issue, let's address with the inspection around our mind's isolation with several angles in terms of contemporary philosophic and theologic views around these analysis, or so.
(to be continued)

(Oct. 20th. 2020)