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Spiritual Overturn Part1 Around Popular Music scene Triplism’s Suggestion / Another Question, Ⅲ

Music thing has so older ambivalent emotional reality, mind expressed tunes and songs since so older days to us. Thus, not as well as Logics abiding mainly Occidental academic circle dragging own dualism which provides us two clauses in symmetry, thus subtle nuence must include very uncertainty abiding many kinds of indicated emotional appearances.

Now certainly, two typed of categories can be provided. One is Classics and Pops, and another is Major and Minor. And at latter category, not Major nor Minor is in general regarded as Classics in these days, as Contemporaty Fine music typed tunes. But truly categorized identity is yet discovered by us, though, after all, to us, more never pioneered own music territory not always in interpreting Fine music nor Popular, nor so as own never pioneered territory will be excavated at some day. 

Electronic sound and Acoustic sound as another categorized territory could have been already experimented by us in 20 Century, but both categorized territory had been already made ambiguously in own not definitely categorized genre nor so was already emerged in some movement. E.g. around the view for protecting us from any COVID causing infection, Tiny Desk concert as not gathering audience, only for known ones for performers has been fixed at You Tube animation project content. Thus, Popular music and Fine music will have own ambiguous territory clarified border, as well as it, any form will have more ambiguous state kept days at sooner future to us from now. 

If co-playing with Classics musicians and Popular musicians will be activated moreover, we will watch another genre or kind of more complicated hybrid tasty categorized new music will come up to our own daily life scene.

Never Classics nor Pops ( includes Rock, Rap, Hip Hop or so) and Never Fine music nor popular music, the kind of completely different typed new music can be hoped or wanted by our own potential mind so cravingly.

Of course, that typed music will be regarded consequently that could be new typed, ever never made nor witnessed typed one, but simultaneously nevertheless, not that strangely gapped to our these days sensitivity, the impression will be providing us all.

Some kind of requiem tasty own music hearing audience dragging mode, but that is not that forcibly instructive, but rather so healing effective one, but occasionally Middle Ages as medieval historical atmosphere evoking nuence but simltanespuly so easily meditative mind could be promoted in listening to it. And with those characteristics make us feel no genre nor no border around any kind of music form, pattern in each used occasion e.g. march, mass or so. In other words, very ambiguous impressive ones, I want to pull out from unidentified territory. What make me consider that typed one is probably caused from that I am not professional musicians. Nor composer, singer nor so.

After all, we can conclude that our believable future sustainable music pattern is not fixed form nor not one direction indicative one, but very multi angled dimensional own ambiguity abiding one, as tunes general tendency. Not only form visible, but expressed composer's own intention and motivated emotion so easily interpretable one.

(Irregulaly continued)

Mar. 28th.    2024