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Mathematics’ Own Limitation a. Philosophy’s Identity

Mathematics could be genuinely perfect, probably philosophy must have never existed to our civilization. But mathematics has one so critically definite lack. That is never able to express time by itself's own reality at least to us. Because mathematics can measure time length, but the mind on us as discriminable mind around gap between already never existing past and now actually realized reality and yet coming future remotely felt at now.

E.g. around time, we are constantly recollect a little bit past time thing, but simultaneously the nature of mathematics can never be displayed by time abiding own past already now none and future pictured only in mind but yet none, but any future as long as we are alive must come to us, but more far future, we can easily picture in mind but not that obvious image could be made so concretely except what we are very interested in, and relatively near past will be remoter according to what happens next.

Thus, consequently, Mathematics can display only number nature abiding own quantity measured outcome but our own recollective minded and future prospective picturable thing can never be displayed unless we arbitrarily indicate machine some order, not spintanously mathmatics does never display our own mind obviously pictured imagination around future and recollective one around already passed past we witnessed and experienced.

In other words, after all mathmatics basic principle is based on making everything equivalent only for calculating each value at any occasion, probably for outputting the most rational numerical value for knowing the shortest circuit at solving any necessary thing. Those own roles of Mathematics consequently makes it omit any necessary subjective measurable ideas e.g. with past as e.g. yesterday, present as now and future as e.g. tomorrow, those very necessary cognitions at least to us are omitted for rationalized idea.

In the end, Mathematics are intended to measuring everything as mutually equivalent value, the index is number, but to us as mindful idea holders, not only the idea can never satisfy our own immanence, the idea is constantly remained, thus we as human had been with not only Mathemetcs but also Philosophy so at necessary reason. 

Thus, Philosophy is not only practical idea pursuit, but also very subjectively accompanied idea to us can be easily proposition or subject. On the other hand, Mathmatics can have own reason to exist at dealing with every number perfectly equivalent with each other, in doing so, we can have another universally objective idea which can be shared to anybody. Thus its own nature is excluding personally subjective ideas as the basic mottos.

(Irregulaly continued)

Mar. 29th.   2024