Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Space, Field, Place Part1

Space previously set to be extended substance means never actual nor practically recognized to us, potentially.
But it broadens both externally and internally, coz it can be cleared being exhaustively and immanently.
Space is genuinely abstract.

Filed is gradually set to be shared means never private nor notional cognitively to us.
But it provides both affordably and selectively, coz it can be cleared being in ingenuously reformed by ally.
Field is practically substantial.

Place is necessarily set to be positioned means never abstract nor ambivalent flexibly to us.
Place is customary attached.

Anybody has deep inside of mind space, and anybody can have will to gather at field. And anybody necessarily finds own it publicly and privately.

Space intrudes field, place, and either field, place occasionally invades space.
This relevance makes these things so remarkable con junctive mutually, but these things essence mutually, but these things’ essence is given by our idea, we are the king of categorization, but categorizing mind is given by Nature created by God.

Place means shared possession with allotted, distributed fields we can participate in relevance.
Place is privately intimacy, but publicly so outstanding character in map or geographical view.

Field is practically made used of any object at the fact, it is so socially essential and so significant in acting of us in daily life.

Space is more meta-physical to us. Its notional understanding invokes us to deliberate spiritually and insightfully.
It means our idea making filed, and the place where we should make it return.
(to be continued)

(Feb. 18. 19th. 2020)