Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Stimulus to Hollow Eyes of You

Anytime we’ve no past, anytime only memory to it to us.

Future is anytime in my brain.
Anytime now makes next moment in future.

All I can see is anytime your eyes in front of me.

What did exist over where shooting star fell in past?
Whenever your eyes reflected any shooting star, our future had waited for coming to us.

However, when it comes to us, we anytime look at other thing.
Possibly your eyes could have kept another thing in watching.

Possibly, somewhere all fallen shooting stars can gather at unknown space for us.

I anytime look at your eyes reflecting shooting stars unexpectedly comes around us, recently, but what your mind has at the time, I can have no idea.

When I look at your eyes, you anytime look at other thing to my eyes, but we together, it’s so strange.

Past only in our memory means so distinctive to anyone, it’s so funny.

As if I’m drinking lukewarm milk, dim lightened daytime passed beside me.

Strongly stinging sunbeam makes clear shadows to everything, but your eyes are anytime drifting, but it’s never so vacant, it’s so enigmatic.

Just mine might be so as possible as yours.
What goes on, the globe and human?

But, no problem, anything can be reflected on your eyes, probably on mine either, if it’d be met, either, it’s okay.

Nothing but them, I can never be thinking, so far.

Still now, only I can be noticed is stimulus to hollow eyes of me only I can see on your eyes, but only light floating on your eyes is anytime so clear, it’s okay.

Though that time’s mine is unknown to me, it’s no problem, as least I can stay here beside you and looking at your reflecting eyes.
(Mar. 3rd. 2020)