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Telling Lie Never be Valid Twice!

Usually lie could never be effective in using more than twice.
The very best lie is just the once.

Thus, we should keep it on mind to ready for everything preventing all excuse from doing, for it the best way to keep it is just only having no vanity, nor flattery, in other words, we should keep us taking care of never having conceit to us for the other ones in vanity in needing us have a lie to evade having shame in keeping away from mobilizing our vanity.

We should keep our life having no conceit in secured for misunderstanding to us. We are never the presence to show bluffing to all the other ones, we are just cooler in having no pride nor no obsequious behavior to the other ones, thus we must be confident to us certainly.

We should never mobilize other one’s evil-minded curiosity. Hence, even in an occasion to make own lie come out, if we have set a condition not to be blamed previously, we could do so well in any human relation, for it some better modesty must be necessary, so usually.

Let’s take a lie advantage of controlling our unavoidable situation, then just once, a lie could be in currency! Lie in use is just only the once, humor or joke.

Human world is anytime expediently making ends meet together. Coz nobody could never complete everything in perfection.

For admitting it, we should know that our own world must be regulated only with never ideally nor contradictory expedient order, either what we can do is knowing if the world for us is very perfection, how we can survive so easily, in keeping our emotion and reason so ordinarily and normally.

(Mar. 6, 12th. 2020)