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Absolute Look④

The most integral issue is how we should interpret everything in which intrinsically interpreting or extrinsically doing so. Typological interpretation means christian theological exergesis at Biblical terms and its analysis, relationship of the Old Testament to New Testament, however, that work nature necessarily has very sutly but simultaneously so serious gaps between rhetoricians and church clergies with Jean Calvin and professional theory analysts.

Plainly Calvin was just one rigorous reformer and its intepretation was not belonging to theory analysis, then his paper had so annoyable hesitation, and because of it, he had either defiant denial or resistance to common idea, then that distress made his writing content so contradictory phase and aspect. Then he either applied Typological intepretation, but its way was made sure of very tough distressed modus ponens, that fact was similar to Martin Luther's scripts at now our analysis. His CAP VT XI. in Institutio Christianae religionis shows next sentences with,

Just the ultimate issue is God by Himself to Himself so particularly, first so called with immanent power driven (or intrinsically driven), otherwise it could be obliged to be extrinsic. At this debating current, he suggests st. Augustine's Moses's sanctification in mentioning. He explained that ”Moses according to his mission executed visible sacrament, however God with holly ghost executes invisible Grace, visibly fruited any sacrament rather exists there. In other words, if these invisible Grace's sactification was absent, how can we interpret these visibly realized sacrament's role?" Several Old Testament's issues volume three, chapter 84. 17

Otherwise, " (Abbreviated beforhand) When God's Words was engraved there, new appearance was given and somewhat beforhand never so must have had been started to be so."18

These mentioned sentences mean obviously sacrament evidencing conviction that Christ's Reveration must have had been told at already at Old Testament at his script tacitly told to us.

Calvin mentioned either next, "Hence, when sacrament teaches us somewhat promise, what we indicate Christ is necessary. The heavenly example of the tent and the legal worship shown to Moses on the mountain is also aimed at this."20, and additionally, "Just only accompanied with Christ they (descendents) must have had lost thing at Adam recovered in conviction." " Old Testament's purification meant  that they(descendents) have inbornly unclean nature with filth, pollution, not sacred thing gotten rid of them showing them that truth, however it either promised another Baptism.”, "Another Baptism must be Christ and with His blood baptized." 21

(to be continued)
Dec. 16th. 2020

Note; For the present, Calvin's mentioning could be dealt with these debate, because our recogniton toward God's absolute look needs us to grasp all messages with Biblical term and theological logics, but directly it means terms of ethics, these serial sophistication must mean our cognitive sensibility. Alegorical recitation with water, blood, must be caused from Christianity's orthodox dogmas mentioning things which must be our basic universal cognition with space and time, former is being's modus ponens, and at analyitical philosophy, either possible world semantics must be created at this context.
Fundamentally Heidegger's phenomenological approach either means these contexts reffering truths. By the way he was influenced with Martin Luther and st. Augustine, and Poet, Hölderlin. Necessarily theological ideas between Luther and Calvin have gapped parts and crossed parts, this thing gradually could be mentioned so far another day.

The most integural thing at this time quotation, all interpretations in terms of ontologic being's meaning suggest that absolute look must exist at the phase of our belief's intrinsic credo. This cogniton as metaphysically interpretable nature equal to theologically orthodox ethics means kind of phenomenologically transcendent essence, and its interpretation must deduce either our very vital original form of pronouns as we all are subconsciously known at mind, let's call it Absolute Pronoun. And that thing must be so integral at this essay as analysis, as rundown of theologically intepreted ontology. And it must be the origin of our language interpretation, and being accompanied with this cognition, we can be tangible first any spatially meant empirical daily acting and reacting. That must be studied at analytical philosophy e. g. with Wilfred Sellars or so at contemporary analytical philosophy spots.

Absolute look must be dealt with these relevance with theology, philosophy and not only these but also mathematics, physics or so must be based on these serially mentioned Absolute Pronoun, with Being, God and His Absolute Look or so, that must be very necessary absolute truth. 

Quoted by Jean Calvin's CAP VT XI. in Institutio Christianae religionis’ Manuscripts and its translated version in Japanese by Nobuo Watanabe (渡辺信夫訳、カルヴァン キリスト教綱要 Ⅵ/1, 新教出版社), The Slayers of Moses  THE EMERGENCE OF RABBINIC INTERPRETATION IN MODERN LITERARY THEORY Susan A. Handelman State University of New York Press, State University Plaza, Albany  New York, 12246