Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Every Mind Jihad Independently Moves Part1

Pandemic wave was created as third step, with increasing infection rate, perticularly at city zone.

Anybody could be careful at staying home almost time a day, with remote conference or so, but occasionally anybody has a need to go out for shopping and business using buses or trains, and next so older aged woman showed her warning grimacing expression when I emitted a voice of cough with a tangled phelgm, even usually gentle older ladies are taking alert mode entering warning to every next one as sitting in the commuter train or so.

Emergency changes every individual personality. Then at these days, only so actively struggling medicine concern ones are all so evenly Angel. 
Then, older lady sat next to me would be on her way to her grandchildren's home or so, any person, any citizern is at vigilant only securing each body's condition, even a very gentle and kind one could switch the personal mode, that mood is present, necessarily at virus pandemic hell in city or any place in world.

Nevertheless, younger generation ones have a strong desire to love each other to steady partner, but that chance was completely limited and suppressed forcibly, then eventually industry's Messia delibetates and outputs the best idea to keep going on their busiuness with dispatched serving ladies at earning the best profit and record the largest revenue, face shield waring female employees are mmobilized and only kissing, with deep throart or necking are banned as condition for any customer. 

Eventually, any individual person is on the mode of independently securing activity and action in society, that must be kind of mind jihad to abandon all private kindness and only for con tributing selfish security and life safety. In other words, every individual one has mindset at abandoning all kindness to next one, and just only surviving own life is focus on each mind, so necessarily. But at rural area, very huge flat exists at each region, and that environmental zones have small clusters at enjoying slot machine with full-throttled spirit and when they take rest, each smokes a cigarrette. Unexpectedly their expression is generally so enjoyable, that landscape as so simmetrical to dense people making city urban environment must be confirmable in any contry in this earth.

Rather vachelor ones are relaxed, but family holders with parents and children are scared of any mutual infection, then after all they are concerned about being infected with each other and only it must be the maximam repellent item for them. 

Now world is on the hardest mental mode switching term and any kind of vocation is mobilized for solution to all disordery social human activity and economic situation.

That mentality has been expressed with popular music previously beforehand of these pandemic situation's coming to the world. Freedom Resapecting country's Afro indentified musicians and singers intrigue their original home Africa and their very older common ancestors holding Latin contries musicians as sympathy and their own culture with break dance, Capoeira as fusion with dancing, martial arts, and music with singing, and intrumental playing and DJ talks, and old continental identified musicians and singers are having nostalgy to Midddle-East region's conventional lyrical poesy, and codes with melody and harmony and singing tone. 
Actually Middle East music scene itself has synchronicity with Latin culture so at earlier ages at this century. 

In conclusion, even at these very seriously tough days, younger girls, women are at own feeling to be attracted and intrigued by very dangerous atomosphere waring guy or so, even at these anyone at alerting mode of being stoic to have kissing and deep throat together, because their loving flame must never be deleted nor invalidated from their ribido and Eros exploration together.
Their mind internally just have a mind wanting to smash all stoic mood and regulation, and that aspect is just correct, because any age must have deployment at breaking impoverished situation for getting their own freedom. At any country, that flame must never be extinguished by any threat or adversity, everlastingly, you know.   (to be continued)

Dec. 20th. 2020

Note; I wish all medicine concern ones who are engaged at curing patients and nursing inpatients, prescribing drugs to all patients, or taxi, ambulance drivers, train's or bus drivers, and railroad workers, bureaucrats, and politicians at safe working and contribution to all citizens in society. This series are for all great general citizens and older and younger generation ones in world with cheering and applauding to each other, inserting music and songs criticism and essay to all of you!