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Mind Danceable Meditation

Isn't your mind losing any honesty? Or is it?
If you are so afraid around that question, let you make your mind purified from all so unnecessary informative ideas, you clear!

Mindful beat of your heart is so well, alright, isn't it?
If your mind loses any pulpitating chance, let your mind danceable at doing anything.

Have a whistle in your mind when you are walking outside of your home, give it in your thinking around anything you need or are interested in.

Because what takes in for you is only your mind, and if it'd be empty at driving not to do anything so positive, let all your stagnant mind which holds unnecessary elements for your survival swept away from your brain, or heart with soul, that could be actually so easy, sometimes you take your brain empty at walking not so dense area at forests or so.

Because your mind must need more danceable beating for making your conscious mind aware of any wxternally presence working out everything in nature.
Just contact these things with yourself so intentionally, then you'd find so many things to your mind. Eventually your body and mind must be at conjugated relevance, you see!

Your heartbeat and breathing must require danceable meditating, then take that so catchy phrase, you either find mind danceable meditation out from your sleeping consciousness and perceptive potentiallity at brain, soul and whole body!

Mindful thinking deeply promotes your heart and body to drive them danceable at biorhythmic chord and scale!

Meditatively spending time of you at every single day must make precious finding making sure your hearbeat at being excited anytime as you like to start for something!

Give it a chance on every your trial at the moment driving you sprint!

Your brain circuit must make you another idea from the one habitually you take!

Dancing needs swinging body and mind making accord of body to soul perceptive tempting!

Catch them at an unison of all in harmony!

If you synthsize your all ideas you'd get your lie as not mobilized by your needing occasional mind!

Meditating mind requires of your actuated idea to run for your body mobilized with mind's creating head's order.
Make your mind's all obedient nature to that heas's odering mission!

Because the best idea you hardly can get nor make outputted must be done only at so extremely busy at doing everything! Not at so relaxed minded time in free time nor holiday!

Hdeadache at pain in the neck in your life or rather positively confronting some so persistent nuisanse makes you discover so great idea.

Then, only your confronting all meditatively hastened busyness could make you have very fantastic idea nobody ever had, you either could do it so well!

Do never make your mind empty, that state must be enogh only at completing something, until that moment comes to you, do never make your mind and brain any pause nor break except breathing in and out, use up your brain all from the bottom to any hem of thinking circui as limitation for now yourself!

Because who can take you to the best landing at runway, that timing is just dependent on only your mind's decision!

For you who are reading this sentence, no recess at your doing everything is never readied for yourself, because as long as you could see my this claim, you'd get everything completed as yoiu want it to be done!

Then, if you'd be fallen to or plunge yourself in bottomless slump, please take your frank words to me, only a suitbale advise could be taken to your mind, because I'd passed so similar running ever at my life' course both in the higher sky and ocean bottom, you sympathize!

if you have a mind making you tend to make yourself voyage, your mind must have preparation to it with danceable meditation!
Your it must take you to so higher altitude or isolated ocean from a harbor, whatever you take as your next flight or setting sail, when your mind touched off must be your meditating's departure time, you can find!

Use up your mind's all in brain, body at breathing!

Feb. 9th., 11th. 2021

Memorandum; If you are older one than 50s, making your head, mind and body so empty at doing nothing must shorten your lifespan, you know!
Take you all full-throttle at using up all your parts of brain and soul with body!