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Triplism’s Suggestion / Another QuestionⅦ Affirmation to Bivalence②

As what at mathematics so noisy division must be made between philosophy of mathematics and intuitionism or neointuitionism, how we should regard law of excluded middle must have been so integral at academioc circles.
But unexpectedly, that all debates could be included to uncertainty issue as we usually have in mind. Certaily we have anytime uncertaity at next day as tomorrow for today in terms of weather, the stock price of each stock in the stock market or so. 
Nevertheless, it must be made, these exampled condition must have resulted to us, that fact is not uncertain. Thus from the beginning, uncertainty has each degree. Then, if now is the time to the earth that this continuation to exist could be jeopadized to human, these certainty could  easily collapse.

Nevertheless, at the matter of fact we all are surrounded by so many, extraordinarily numerous examples of uncertainty, then its this as uncertainty by itself is never so mysterious thing to us, you know. Eventually, ultimate propositional issue is only how we could deal with these very obvious uncertainty.

By the way, first we must deal with left some works. ✽Subsequently shown next our usage around auxiliary verb.

❄  It should be ~
Ethically agreeable, but to some extent, lightly confessional remark as justificable subconcious option at conversation.

❄  It should have been~
Regrettable or regretful, occasionally agreeable, but simultaneously so cynically mentioned it, either lightly confessional.

❄  It will be~ 
Irresponsibly blunt, or kind of so objectively seen in premise of consensus. Sometimes not so emotionally presumptive told.

❄  It would be~ 
Easy presumption, at current of conversation, role of joint is left to this, but that usage must be so fuzzy dispositioned.

❄  It would have been~ 
Sympathy impliciltly implied at emotionally cynically or publicly regarding to mutually shared fiture.  Additionally, ❄ would be intended to lamentably presumptive at confessional remark or so coolly objectively seen at narration. 

At the matter of fact, our conversation in terms of the third person, topical subjects, or any objective presumptive content's talking must have uncertainty, then our conversation and its consciousness almost must be sustained with uncertaity's implicit and so intuitively held subconcious awareness in our mind. Then law of excluded middle must surround our mind so almost time in a day. Because we all are surviving uncetain future prospect regarding mentality and spirit. And additionally what I should mention is all these auxiliary verv usage could have uncertain presumption except "is" or so as cases that are generally considered to be acceptable. 

Intuitionism originally Brouwer drove mathematicians and philosophers at their circle was just having skepticism to formalism at mathematics, thene next let me quot the wikipedia at Feb. 18th, 2021 at excerpted parts.✡~✡

✡The interpretation of negation is different in intuitionist logic than in classical logic. In classical logic, the negation of a statement asserts that the statement is false; to an intuitionist, it means the statement is refutable[1] (i.e., that there is a counterexample). There is thus an asymmetry between a positive and negative statement in intuitionism. If a statement P is provable, then it is certainly impossible to prove that there is no proof of P. But even if it can be shown that no disproof of P is possible, we cannot conclude from this absence that there is a proof of P. Thus P is a stronger statement than not-not-P.

Similarly, to assert that A or B holds, to an intuitionist, is to claim that either A or B can be proved. In particular, the law of excluded middle, "A or not A", is not accepted as a valid principle. For example, if A is some mathematical statement that an intuitionist has not yet proved or disproved, then that intuitionist will not assert the truth of "A or not A". However, the intuitionist will accept that "A and not A" cannot be true. Thus the connectives "and" and "or" of intuitionistic logic do not satisfy de Morgan's laws as they do in classical logic.✡ from Intuitionism

Actually, if intuitionism itself could be subject at this series, only its option must manage very many pages, unless I discover the most effective proof formula, of course that thing coumd be one of my pictruring thing, but now another method should be taken to it. 
Just very important thing around analyisis of intuitinism and formalism in proving just correct idea must be seen at least with my idea, speaker's mind holding very independent mentally, supiritually accostomed parts and very publicly assimilating desirable mentally, spiritually accsotomed parts must be so integrally propositional problem at least our language communication.

Then, very roughly speaking, probably fomalists must have their idea that each mind as speakers of our language is just independent. Meanwhile, Intuitionism believing intuitionists must have their idea, in terms of language communication for us, that our communicative mind must be joined with some sympathy or kind of conviction to each mind's presence at least at the sites of our communication opportunity. Even if actually we have so each segregated mind at language idea and thinking, as premise to set our communication, we have either jointed share reality as consensus. 

Eventually, Fomalism must have game theory intended scheme as independet media to us as communicative method toward huma being's substance as really practical speakers and listners. Certainly this idea must have convincing element, that must be so objective approaching stance. Meanwhile, Intuitionism must have admitting each independence, at the term of commnication,. we specifically have or are oblifged to have, positively have or so, anyway that mind's preparation must be thought at Intuitionists at mathematics and logics.

At the matter of fact, next presumptive idea could be outputted here, let have your reminiscence to Part19's Russell's idea at Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy, 1919.❄
That claim must rely on that we have two very subtly diffrentiated ways to recognize this our world, one is just so visually confirmable reality as spatially convincing irreplaceable ideas with possible world of geometric proofs, then that is so visually provable and very visibly conferimable to anyone. Meanwhile algebraic so complicated them are diffrent from geometric provable reality. 

Nevertheless, we are having both vey mutually almost contradictory two realitiers simultaneously, and in it not so bigger contradiction, probalbty only sensitive philosophers could notice to it so carefully and they could explain its wonder so minutely withe their logic. 
In other words, we've already admitted its truly very wonderous realities' easy understanding subconciously, and its identity must be our usage of language.

In other words, we use logics with all algibraic intepretation with justice, fairness, happiness, or death and destiny and life itself, but on the other hand, we surelly use either so confrimablly rough judgement with our own eyes and its consensus to any other one. 
Namely, we nevertheless are having very mutually contradictory method to interpret this world for us, eventually if we have proving site at proof of formula or so, personally are apt to have very confused impression. necessarily it could be helped with illusinistic view and our mind's not completed part as well as machine or so.

Eventually, and factually, we are all so contradictory presence. 

Feb. 18th. 2021

Memorandum; After a few while, really practical interpretation around Formalism and Intuisionism at Hilbert, Brouwer, Martin-Löf or so.