Blog for Nameless-Value

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Minuteness could be Necessary Only at Rough Grasp in Easy Exciting

Tiny part is centainly so integral, peice must be either, and intrinsically treasure for us, and that discovery must be at extrinsically noticed, then our mind is interface to the world itself, so personally, nevertheless it could be felt so publicly, that thing must be our proof of human-being.

And we are apt to forget all each precious piece for public obligatory mind driving us spontaneously suppressing our so irregular ideas. With these mind's process, we might have the most effective or an expedient way at doing everything. Even if we personally feel some so impressive piece, we spontaneously neglect it and only follow summarized truth.

Very mainly precious element must be so tiny piece, necessarily we find it in any ongoing process.
Then, forgetting it, we need so roughly general view at leaving all our minds so slowly but definitively set current on shifting of time.

The absolutely necessary minuteness must be consequently found and necessarily mode to our mind.
 For keeping that conditioned nature to us, we might drag all so easy drive to own mind, and that ongoing duration must make us so amused excitement. That's intoxicated feature, and holy sacramental essence given to us.

Analytical precision must be made of so relaxed mind flow. That mutual reacting mind's roundtrip makes us so stably good balanced state.

Having no loose nor easy mind could produce only emptiness, keeping very enough looseness and assured ease makes our mind so tense and tight confidence at gripping the universe with being.

Line could never be composed with points' accumulation, line must be made of so simple never procrastinating decisively just sprinting running in quick duration, and it must cease, not stopped, necessarily diminishes its shifting motion. That must be so natural.

Not forced straightforward running could put us on the time table and all scheduled distribution to any act, Thus, if we have only forced reality, we must be fallen into only empty managing absolutely blank vainness. Either that could not be so worse, but it's has to be almost being at buffer zone between being actively alive and perfect death.

Then, as the field truly siginificant minuteness could be produced, so conmfortably, slow flow must be selected in us, that is just free changeable moving and acting on stiffly prepared stably lasting field's plainness.

Then, so relaxed trance could be made only at so dynamic transiting, but actually emobodied so statically at shifting occasion could be secured.

At this dimension, sprinting must be seen so naturally durable, then  seen so sprinting to anything to us must mean that our confirmable reality which must be occupied with only notionally invalidated natruralness, or notional vigor plundered only obligatory not better deligence.

Our intirinsically smart call to natural flow cries out so wisely spoken to our society, community talking, "Just make your all so relaxed flow at any activity with econmics, politics, culture, or anything.

Feb. 20th. 2021