Blog for Nameless-Value

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Ethics Drives Us Love or Subjectively we make? What's Beauty in completion? Part1

Individually personal many jobs, works attract me, but many things make sure provide me beauty, but simultaneously doing either love is so few, both things could be compatible or not, that is my attractive question to me and the world, you know. Very complicated but so simply so.

In other words, we usually need beauty, but at that can we find some so seriously harmful reason or so at this reality. Then another quesation must come under to us. That is "What does completion mean us, or our daily life?

Progressive countries, that term could confuse me anytime I'm heard of it. Because that term directs all nationalities have unnnecessary responsibility at pulling any other not pregressive countries. That consciousness is so horribly dangerous seen at least to me so.

Beauty could have something to do with imperialism.

Beauty must need necessarily completion, but what does that mean?

Occasionally we need either destruction, but the term completion anytime intends to head for only preserving already set order.

Nevertheless, we should transcend our lovable life so as the top prioity. 
Of course, we need own powert to embody personal love, and that means so tough struggle to us to any other form of love and its keeping way.

Love realization needs so necessary condition to make love composed at really spending days for us, then love means responsibility, nevertheless, that part should never be emphasized to justify our embodying effort, that part must include so tough diffculty between realizing and keeping ideal, ideology and ethical justice. 

(to be continued)

Mar. 3rd.   2021