Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

God, Being, the Miracle Part1

Just once God created the universe.
We’d set God created the universe and each us once again.
Just twice, our God was drawn to our history.

Our history is distinct to biological one, but both are in the same destiny to be at one the earth, either.
Any idea absent of any one God must be caused from this vision, in other words, pentheism was at a degree, runs along the theism and atheism, I say so in a view of deism.

Anyway, we can begin this debate again.

These debete means we’d been promoted by God to create God.
Discovery is always in mutual correspondsence with discoverer and discovered, as if inventor and invented are either.

This great leap meant essentially the attitude brought about by intransitive verb and it done by transitive verb in absolute sublation.

It means being created by what we’d created, but probably it was just the sole intirinsic and substantial discovery and either invention, but these two things have no gap, nor disaccordance.
Of course, it must never be so easy harmony, it means the tough sublation mutually gone through with tough dialogue and severe writhe, coz so birth and delivery must have so agonized pain.

In fact, just only we could intervene in even uncertain enigmatic matters, but just with them, we’d progressed our civilization, and cognitive, deliberative cognition and a certain road to explore and inquire all of uncertain matters.

In front of truth, when we confront any entangled situation, only the absolute truth ulitimately sublated by intransitive and transitive verb cognition.

Because we could learn what even we anytime try to make an effort to analyzing anything, never in just obejectively nor just subjectively, thus we could never have established any fruitful elucidation nor illumination.

In other words, we anytime are in just the sole whereabout with which our view as pregnant idea was to be in our promotion to any problem and our acceptance to be prompted by any approaching and contacting problem.

Only at this stance, we could elucidate or explicate some illuminated truth.

We are the sole existence who can survive in which our own idea that only with what we’d and we’ve created and what created us in unizon, and accordance.

We are the sole exitence who are created only by what we could create.
(to be continued)

(Title at Apr. 26th., sentence at 27th. 2019)