Blog for Nameless-Value

novel, essay, poetry, criticism, diary

Anybody could Do Only what the One can Do Part1

Some ones could criticize or slander the ones who can do what the one can do and to any other one but the one, the one can have no sympathy.

But essentially anybody could do only what the one can do, thus if the one has sympathy to any other one whom the one can't understand, that act must be falesehood.

Several typed idea holding ones are apt to claim that the one's behavior has shortage of kindness to other ones, but that claim seems to be falsehood at least to me.

Because anybody could do only what the one can do, the one should not to dare to respect the one whose idea is unidentified, otherwise at least the one need not to do so.

At least to me, kindness unnecessary than we generally need could be meddlesome, I think so.

Conseuently, unnecessarily done kindness might have been kind of mental violence. 
Because anybody is not always healed at that overwhelmingly practiced kindness.
And the one would be healed at no kindness done to the one so bluntly.

Eventually we all are necessarily conditioned at doing, only each one can do, and all we have to do is just it, and with its absolute reality, we contrarily can have sympathy, and mutual understanding, to each other.

Nevertheless, we all are anytime at unexpectedly uncertain running to the future, everlastingly unsolvable tough and painful voyage at time running.

Only being mutually known to that thing anytime must make us know that the truth we should come together identifies our ambition and being proud of mutual honor.

Yes, social thing must mean our mind's collected and gathered field, and that field shows their fruiting acting, these indentifies our own presence as human-being.
As terms with single unit in composing common unit together, and that aspect must be publicly personal, otherwise personally public at any corner of that unit.

These could signify each separable item, and its thing is interacted with each other among one unit as each single unit as one individual.

In other words, what anybody can do only what the one can do must tell anybody what we all are known to it, though we can come together at any situation or condition we are facing.

(to be continued)

Aug. 21st    2021