Blog for Nameless-Value

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Blue Sun

Waking up in so earlier than usually, intransperently whitened blue sun floating in flatly huge extent background of the skies emerges to me.

You seen to me could be done where my eyes can confirm at another cognition.

To what I explained you, what appearance is seen to you, hey blue sun?

And, how can you witness these days all grounds matter with your eyes, hey blue sun?

You must have witnessed all apecies' birth, heyday, and ruin at all process.

You for me is anytime so specifically seen only by me, but that aspect could have another appearance as so similarly seen to any other one who could be somewhere else.

Behind you, only emptiness extends infinitely, but that visually colored state is not confirmable to anybody.

Seen all landscape must be at accord with seing one's mind.

Even if our all mind's confirmable physical aspects could have no scattering pictured condition, nevertheless, to it, anybody could have very personal associable somewhat, and that thing could never be described so well by anybody.

Mind thing is on that truth.
Then, ultimately, anytime language thing could provide us the reality which constantly accompanying devoid seing or powerless it. Because we anytime necessarily look for another substance.

Our mind very, nasty thing, that claiming could be seen by ourselves so honestly, what awakes you must be your appearance at least to me, blue sun!

Because only you are glittering so strongly extending your all background.

Aug.  22nd.      2021