Blog for Nameless-Value

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Words' Sound and Meaning Part1

Words' sound could be shown at singing tone by singers as the best for listening. Though, their sung songs' lyrics are the most effective at talking and sending message to any audience, listener.

Meanwhile, for reading ones, sentences' words' arrangement is the sole material for appreciation, and it has no sound.

Words have both two mutually very differentiated natures. One is very physiologically direct, but another is so objectively abstract.

Thus, word by itself has so strange identity and appearance.

One thing as meaning, emotion could be told, that codition means very assorted.

One time so emotionally, another time so reasonably and objectively.

So stark, how we should regard words' presence as the way to be or signified meaning to take for us.

Because sometimes words' driving thing could be serious, then words could be arm, but synchronically they could heal so exhausted spiritual one's mind.

Words thing could be poison and medicine.

At taking it so carefully, it means medicine but taking it so maliciously, it means poison.

Thereby, to us, meaning thing otherwise our mind thing as the organ to perceive any meaning or so must be so seriously nasty and so tough presence, to words, we could say.

Words meaning originally is caused from auditory experience so personally, nevertheless once they could be preserved as notion or concept and our daily usage, words could have been so dry and formally objective, very just convenient and abstract tools and our mind's representive presence.

And unexpectedly, words things could be so effective at the moment we feel personally so lonely mood, when we are alone at something we need other one or so. At only solitude, words could whisper so spiritually, because words things could be what we can regard them as so objective and only practical at the usage of society, or we stay at gathering as the member belonging to some unit.

In other words, to same words, we could take mutually very different meaning.

One is very officially regarded and so objectively and formally taken aspect as public usage shared, aspect, another is so privately regarded and so subjectively and personally taken aspect.

Necessarily, we at the matter of fact, could have another idea, that must be, as what to us, words which must never be formally, officially objectively nor individually personal and subjective.

Because they either could be personally formal or public, and either they could be publicly emotional or personal.

Necessarily, what we regard as public and formal should not be taken so emotionally, because that could drive us have so extreme nationalism at any unit, consequently any unit, group has so essential nationalistic nature and it means our belonging consciousness.

And it must be so necessary unless we could use it so for extremely agitating object.(to be continued)

Aug. 17th., Sep. 14th.     2021